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Version 1.0 (current version)


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.model_info 1.0 Specification

This file will be created by the PR submitter of the lexical model, for new pull requests. It is a JSON file, with the following members. The .model_info file will be used when building lexical models for deployment; the master version of the file lives in the lexical-models repository. During CI deployment, it will be read from the source repository, extended with the required generated fields and this new version pushed with the compiled resources to the download store.

The .model_info file is also provided as a component of results by various Keyman Cloud APIs.

ModelInfo Object

Note: The Generated column indicates if the field will be generated if it is not present in the source repository during the CI deployment process. Fields that are Required and not Generated must be completed by the lexical model author.

Member Required in source? Required in distribution Generated? Notes

string, a unique identifier for the model, in a format author.bcp47.uniq. The components must be the same as the path of the model in the repository, e.g. a model in release/example/en.wordlist would have the identifer example.en.wordlist. The identifier must be lowercase and each component must be a valid Javascript identifier, thus the BCP 47 component should be delineated with underscores (_), not hyphens (-).

Example: "id": "example.en_us.wordlist"

Generation: from parent folder names.


string, the human readable name of the model. This will usually differ from the id.

Generation: from .kps info, package name.


string, the name of the author

Generation: from .kps info, package author


string, the email address of the author

Generation: from .kmp info


string, a textual description of the model suitable for displaying in a catalog online. This should be written to help a user choose between models. This must not contain any HTML tags.

No Automatic Generation: this information is not available elsewhere.

license yes yes

string, the possible values for license vary by location in the repository:

  • release/ and experimental/ models must be "mit".

This must always be specified, because this must be an explicit decision by the model author for legal reasons.

languages yes yes

array of strings; an array with each member being a BCP 47 code.

Generation: Will be generated from the .kps file.

lastModifiedDate yes yes

string, the last time the model was modified, in RFC3339, UTC YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.nnn]Z. Do not include this in the source .model_info; it will always be overwritten when compiling the destination .model_info.

Generation: the time that the .model_info file is generated


array, of ModelLinkInfo objects

packageFilename yes yes

string. In the source repository, filename of the .kmp file that will be distributed, relative to the model base folder, including extension .model.kmp. On Cloud APIs, a URL which points to the file for download.

Generation: the filename of the model.

packageFileSize yes

number, integer size of the .kmp file that will be distributed.

Generation: This will normally be generated automatically.

jsFilename yes yes

string, filename of the .js file that will be distributed,  e.g. "example.en.model.js", relative to the model base folder, including extension .js. On Cloud APIs, a URL which points to the file for download.

Generation: This will normally be generated automatically.

jsFileSize yes

number, byte size of the .js file that will be distributed.

Generation: This will normally be generated automatically.


boolean, true if the script associated with the model is right-to-left.

No Automatic Generation: This is not currently generated automatically (it could probably be ascertained from language metadata but we don't currently support that).

packageIncludes yes yes

array, of strings. This flags whether a package includes:

  • "fonts" - one or more fonts

This field corresponds to the .keyboard_info packageIncludes field, but is mostly unused.

Generation: 'fonts' will be added if .kmp contents includes .ttf or .otf files.

version yes yes

string, the file version of the model.

Generation: from package and source metadata.

minKeymanVersion yes yes

string. The minimum version of Keyman that can read this lexical model. If present, must be one of "12.0" or a later version.

Generation: from source metadata.

helpLink yes

string. If present, the link to this model's help page on

Generation: if id/source/help/id.php exists.

sourcePath yes

string, the relative path of the model in the /keymanapp/lexical-models GitHub repository, starting with release/ or experimental/.

Generation: This will normally be generated automatically.


object, with each property an id of a lexical model and corresponding value is a ModelRelatedInfo.

ModelLinkInfo Object

Member Required? Notes
name yes

string, the text to be shown in the link

url yes

string, the fully qualified url of the link.

ModelRelatedInfo Object

Member Required? Notes

boolean, if true, then this model is intended to deprecate another model with the parent member name, and Keyman will upgrade it to this model if found, ignoring version numbers.


boolean, if true, then this model has been deprecated by the model referred to. This member should not be set in the source .model_info but will be returned from queries to


string, a textual description of the relationship between the models.


A validating schema for the object is online at and .model_info files in the repository must validate against the source json; after build, the resulting .model_info will validate against the distribution json.


The model repository build process validates the JSON schema, then copies the .model_info into the build/ folder and populates missing generated fields. If a field is already present, it will be validated for correctness against the source files, but will not be overridden.

Any errors in a .model_info file will cause the build to fail.


This is a sample minimal source .model_info file. Note that as you can see, only two fields are required for the source file. The build process will generate any missing fields that it can. Generally speaking, it is better to keep the file minimal to avoid duplication.

  "license": "mit",
  "languages": ["crl", "crj"]

The following is a more comprehensive example .model_info file for an example lexical model.

    "id": "example.en.wordlist",
    "name": "Example (English) Template Wordlist Model",
    "license": "mit",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "languages": [
    "authorName": "Marc Durdin",
    "authorEmail": "",
    "description": "Example wordlist model template for English language."

Version History

1.0, 2019-02-12
Initial version, seeded from .keyboard_info specification
1.0.1, 2020-09-21
Relaxed the URL definitions in the schema so extension is no longer tested