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Version 2.0 (current version)

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Keyman Version API 2.0 Specification

The endpoint allows you to query the latest version of the downloads available for each Keyman product on

This API was previously named get-version from the deprecated endpoint

API version 2.x

version is backwardly compatible with version 1.0. A plain call will return an integer return value, which is the latest stable build for KeymanWeb 2.0. See version 1.0 for further details.

Version 2.0 adds the ability to query for a given platform and tier.

Version 2.1 adds the ability to query for a given platform and all tiers.




The platform to query against. Possible values are: android, ios, linux, mac, web or windows.

level (optional)

The stability level to query, default stable. Possible values are: stable, beta, alpha or all.

If platform is not passed, then the API falls back to version 1.0.

Return value

For version 2.0, a JSON object is returned. If alpha, beta, or stable tier is passed in:

  "platform": "$platform",
  "level": "$tier",
  "version": "$version"

For tier all:

  "platform": "$platform",
  "alpha": "$alpha-version",
  "beta": "$beta-version",
  "stable": "$stable-version"

The $version strings will be dotted versions that corresponds to the versioning scheme of the product. Note that version 2.0 of this API returns the whole version string for KeymanWeb, as opposed to version 1.0 of the API which returned only the last portion (build number).

If a version is not available for a given platform and stability level, then an $error-message is returned instead of $version:

  "platform": "$platform",
  "level": "$tier",
  "error": "$error-message"

If invalid parameters are passed in, a 400 HTTP error is returned.

This build version can be embedded in the reference to the KeymanWeb code, e.g., for PHP:

  $json = @file_get_contents('');
  if($json) {
    $json = json_decode($json);
  if($json && property_exists($json, 'version')) {
    $kmwbuild = $json->version;
  } else {
    // If the get-version API fails, we'll use the latest known version
    $kmwbuild = "14.0.282";
  echo "<script src='$kmwbuild/keymanweb.js'></script>";

Note: For the web platform, the API server will also check to ensure that the web artifacts are available. When new releases are built, there is a window of time when artifacts are available on but have not been propagated to Version 2.1 of this API handles those situations and will return a version that is available on

API version 1.0

version should be called via HTTP GET to retrieve the latest build number. It will return an integer build number. In case of error, you should choose a known build number to reference (e.g. 473).

This build number can be embedded in the reference to the KeymanWeb code, e.g., for PHP:

  $kmwbuild = @file_get_contents('');

  if($kmwbuild === FALSE || !is_numeric($kmwbuild)) {
    // If the get-version API fails, we'll use the latest known version
    $kmwbuild = 473;
  echo "<script src='$kmwbuild/keymanweb.js'></script>";

Version Information and History

  • 1.0 - 2015-01-19 - Released 1.0

  • 1.0 - 2017-02-19 - Documentation updated to change secure site references to

  • 2.0 - 2017-06-23 - Released 2.0

  • 2.0 - 2018-03-07 - Documentation updated to document API change from get-version to version and change secure site references to

  • 2.0.1 - 2019-10-23 - Documentation updated to add linux platform

  • 2.1 - 2021-09-30 - Support 'all' tiers in a single call; sync with

See Also

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