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IKeymanError::ErrorCode Property


The IKeymanError::ErrorCode property returns an integer error code for the error.


readonly long ErrorCode

Defined Error Codes

0xA0000200 KMN_E_Install_InvalidFile The file %0:s could not be installed because of the following error: %1:s InstallKeyboard
0xA0000201 KMN_E_Install_AlreadyInstalled A keyboard with the name %0:s is already installed. InstallKeyboard
0xA0000202 KMN_E_Install_FailureToCreateDirectories Failure to create directories for keyboard %0:s. InstallKeyboard
0xA0000203 KMN_E_Uninstall_InvalidKeyboard The keyboard %0:s could not be uninstalled because it was invalid. UninstallKeyboard
0xA0000204 KMN_E_Uninstall_KeyboardPartOfPackage The keyboard %0:s could not be uninstalled because it was part of package %1:s. UninstallKeyboard
0xA0000205 KMN_E_Uninstall_AdminKeyboardInstalled You do not have sufficient privileges to uninstall keyboard %0:s. UninstallKeyboard
0x20000206 KMN_W_UninstallFileNotFound The file %0:s was not found during the uninstall. UninstallKeyboard
0x20000207 KMN_W_UninstallFileInUse The file %0:s is currently in use and will be removed after the next reboot. UninstallKeyboard
0x20000208 KMN_W_UninstallError_UnableToDeleteKeyboardRegistrySetting Unable to delete keyboard %0:s registry key %1:s UninstallKeyboard
0x20000209 KMN_W_UninstallError_UnableToRemoveDirectory Unable to remove directory for keyboard %0:s (error %1:s) UninstallKeyboard
0xA000020A KMN_E_PackageInstall_UnableToGetTempPath Unable to find a temp path to install package. InstallPackage
0xA000020B KMN_E_PackageInstall_UnableToGetTempFileName Unable to get a temp file name to install package. InstallPackage
0xA000020C KMN_E_PackageInstall_UnableToCreateTemporaryDirectory Unable to create temporary folder to install package. InstallPackage
0xA000020D KMN_E_PackageInstall_UnableToFindInfFile Unable to locate inf file from package - it may be damaged. Please download the package again and try again. InstallPackage
0xA000020E KMN_E_PackageInstall_PackageAlreadyInstalled The package is already installed. InstallPackage
0xA000020F KMN_E_PackageInstall_UnableToCopyFile Unable to copy file %0:s for the package to %1:s - you may have insufficient privileges, or you may have run out of disk space. InstallPackage
0x20000210 KMN_W_InstallPackage_UnableToFindProgramsFolder Unable to find Start Menu folder InstallPackage
0x20000211 KMN_W_InstallPackage_UnableToCreateStartMenuEntry Unable to create Start Menu entry %0:s InstallPackage
0x20000212 KMN_W_InstallPackage_CannotRunExternalProgram Cannot run external program %0:s (error %1:s) InstallPackage
0x20000213 KMN_W_InstallFont_CannotInstallFont Cannot install font %0:s (error %2:d: %1:s) InstallFont
0x20000214 KMN_W_InstallFont_CannotInstallFontAdmin Cannot install font registry settings: %0:s InstallFont
0xA0000215 KMN_E_Collection_InvalidIndex Index %0:s out of bounds Collection
0xA0000216 KMN_E_PackageUninstall_NotFound Cannot find the package to uninstall UninstallPackage
0xA0000217 KMN_E_PackageUninstall_AdminRequired This package requires administrator access to uninstall UninstallPackage
0x20000218 KMN_W_PackageUninstall_FileInUse The file %0:s is in use and will be removed on next reboot UninstallPackage
0x20000219 KMN_W_UninstallFont_FontInUse The font %0:s is in use and will be removed on next reboot. Please reboot before attempting to install any additional fonts UninstallFont
0xA000021A KMN_E_VisualKeyboard_Install_AlreadyInstalled A visual keyboard is already installed for keyboard %0:s InstallVisualKeyboard
0xA000021B KMN_E_VisualKeyboard_Install_CouldNotInstall The visual keyboard %0:s could not be installed InstallVisualKeyboard
0xA000021C KMN_E_VisualKeyboard_Install_KeyboardNotInstalled The visual keyboard %0:s could not be installed because the keyboard %1:s was not found InstallVisualKeyboard
0xA000021D KMN_E_KeymanControl_CannotLoadKeyman32 Could not load keyman32.dll. Windows returned the error code %0:8x (%1:s) Control
0xA000021E KMN_E_KeymanControl_CannotStartProduct Could not find %0:s to start Keyman Product %1:s Control
0xA000021F KMN_E_KeymanControl_CannotRegisterControllerWindow Could not register controller window Control
0xA0000220 KMN_E_KeymanControl_CannotUnregisterControllerWindow Could not unregister controller window Control
0xA0000221 KMN_E_KeyboardInstall_UnableToCopyFile Unable to copy file %0:s to %1:s - you may have insufficient privileges, or you may have run out of disk space. InstallKeyboard
0xA0000222 KMN_E_Install_KeyboardMustBeInstalledByAdmin Error installing keyboard %0:s: Keyman requires keyboards to be installed by administrator InstallKeyboard
0x20000223 KMN_W_KeyboardUninstall_ProfileNotFound A language profile for %0:s could not be uninstalled for %1:s (it may be missing) UninstallKeyboardLanguageProfile
0xA0000224 KMN_E_ProfileInstall_MustBeAllUsers You do not have sufficient privileges to install the language profile for %0:s InstallKeyboardLanguageProfile
0xA0000225 KMN_E_ProfileUninstall_MustBeAllUsers You do not have sufficient privileges to uninstall the language profile for %0:s UninstallKeyboardLanguageProfile
0xA0000226 KMN_E_ProfileInstall_KeyboardNotFound The keyboard %0:s is not installed InstallKeyboardLanguageProfile
0xA0000227 KMN_E_RecompileMnemonicLayout_mcompileFailed The keyboard %2:s was not generated because mcompile failed to start with error %0:d (%1:s) RecompileMnemonicKeyboard
0xA0000228 KMN_E_RecompileMnemonicLayout_mcompileError The keyboard %2:s was not generated because mcompile failed with error %0:d: %1:s RecompileMnemonicKeyboard
0xA0000229 KMN_E_RecompileMnemonicLayout_mcompileUnexpected The keyboard %0:s was not generated due to an unknown error. RecompileMnemonicLayout
0x2000022A KMN_W_KeyboardInstall_InvalidIcon The icon for keyboard %0:s was not converted due to an error: %1:s InstallKeyboard
0x2000022B KMN_W_TSF_COMError Error %0:s updating TSF TSF