Keyboard Support

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IKeymanKeyboardInstalled Interface


The IKeymanKeyboardInstalled interface describes a keyboard file that has been installed and allows modification of keyboard option values for the keyboard file.

Interface Hierarchy






IconFilename read only : Returns the string filename of the icon file associated with the keyboard. When the keyboard is installed the icon file is generated from the icon resource contained within the keyboard.

KeymanID read only : Returns the integer identifier for the keyboard used internally by Keyman Engine.

Languages read only : Returns an IKeymanKeyboardLanguagesInstalled reference which lists the Windows languages with which the keyboard is currently associated.

Loaded : Determines whether the keyboard layout is selectable by the user. When unloaded, the keyboard is removed from the user's keyboard picker.

Options read only : Returns an IKeymanKeyboardOptions reference which lists the user-configurable options for the keyboard layout.

OwnerPackage read only : If the keyboard was installed as part of a package, returns the IKeymanPackageInstalled reference for the package; otherwise returns null.

VisualKeyboard read only : If an associated visual keyboard is installed, returns the IKeymanVisualKeyboard reference for the visual keyboard; otherwise returns null.


InstallVisualKeyboard() : Installs a visual keyboard file into Keyman Engine for Windows and associates it with the keyboard.

Uninstall() : Uninstalls the keyboard from Keyman Engine for Windows.