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What is the difference between a licence, registration key, account, activation code, etc?
NOTE: This archived documentation has not been updated recently and may contain information that is no longer relevant
Item (Looks like) | Description |
Account: email@address.com | A free account gives you access to extra content on the Tavultesoft website, such as downloads and online support. |
Activation Code: ABcdEFGhIJKlmnoPQRstUVwxYZ123456 | When you create an account on the Tavultesoft website, you are sent an activation code in your email that allows you to start using the account. This protects your email address, and prevents unauthorised people from using it. |
Licence: K####-####-#### | You must purchase a licence to Keyman or Keyman Developer in order to use it after evaluating it. Purchasing a licence is also sometimes called registering. |
Registration key: TS-Keyman-####-#### | A registration key is part of your licence for Keyman, and is entered into Keyman after purchasing a licence. |