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FIX: Keyman Configuration display is corrupted, and cannot activate Keyman Desktop

NOTE: This archived documentation has not been updated recently and may contain information that is no longer relevant


The display of Keyman Configuration is incorrect, with missing elements and inactive buttons; also if you click Enter Licence Key… in Keyman Desktop nothing happens.

Background + Resolution

The Keyman user interface requires JavaScript to be enabled in Internet Explorer for local applications. JavaScript is not operating correctly in Internet Explorer on your computer. How to fix this problem:

Warning! Problems caused by improperly editing the Windows registry could render your computer operating system unusable. Microsoft provides a wealth of critical information that you need to know about the registry in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Cause: JavaScript is impaired. An application on your computer has added a custom security zone to Internet Explorer that breaks the security configuration on your computer.

Resolution: Delete the custom security zone.
In the Security tab of Internet Explorer › Tools › Internet Options, the standard security zones are 'Internet', 'Local intranet', 'Trusted sites', and 'Restricted'. If you see a zone called 'My Computer', this is unusual. We strongly recommend deleting it:

  1. Go to the Start menu › Search or Start menu › Run and enter 'regedit'.
  2. In the Registry Editor find HKEY_CURRENT_USER › Software › Microsoft › Windows › CurrentVersion › Internet Settings › Zones.
  3. You should see zones 0-4. If you see a zone with a box or a broken character, delete it.
  4. Click on the zone '0' (zero) folder and make sure the key 'Flags' is set to 0x00000021 (33).
  5. Restart Internet Explorer and check that the My Computer zone is gone (in the Security tab of Internet Explorer › Tools › Internet Options)

Further information and additional steps to resolve this problem can be found in an Autodesk technical article on the Autodesk website.

Applies to:

  • Keyman Desktop Light 7.0
  • Keyman Desktop Professional 7.0