Adiga Danef Keyboard Help
This keyboard is for the Adiga (AKA Adygha, Adyga, Circassian) language based on the Adiga Latin phonetic alphabet.
Keyboard Layout
Desktop Keyboard Layout
Physical Keyboard Key Combinations
In order to print the extra characters which don't appear on a regular English QWERTY keyboard use the following key Combinations:
;s => ş
;d => ś
;f => š
;g => ǵ
;b => ğ
;h => ḣ
;k => ḱ
;l => ĺ
;a => á
;z => ź
;c => ç
;v => ć
;e => é
;t => ṫ
;u => ü
;i => ı
;o => ö
;p => ṕ
The above list works for upper case as well, e.g.:
;S => Ş