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Arabic W/O Dots Keyboard Help

Arabic Alphabet without the dots like the Olden Days

Desktop Keyboard Layout

Mobile/Phone Keyboard Layout

    Single press is main character displayed and Double tap is the character displayed on the top-right corner of the key.
    In case of "ا", swipe up is for hamza above it and swipe down is for hamza below; same goes for "و" and "ي" (with 'Waaw' double tap is for 'Hamza' above, swipe up and down is for small 'Waaw' up and down respectively; but for 'Yaa' swipe up for 'hamza' above).
    In case of dotless Baa'"ب", double tap for Baa'"ب", swipe up for Taa'"ت" and swipe down for Thaa'"ث".
    In case of "ح", swipe up for Khaa'"خ" and swipe down for Jeem"ج".
    In case of dot".", swipe up is Fatha, swipe down is Kasra, swipe right is Damma, and swipe left is Sukuun.
    In case of comma"،", swipe up is 'Fathataan', swipe down is 'Kasrataan', swipe right is 'Dammataan', and swipe left is 'Shadda'.
    In case of Question mark"؟", swipe up is Small 'Alif' above and swipe down is small 'Alif' below.
    Long pressing all of them would just give some other less common characters.
Arabic Mobile Keyboard Layout

    In case of numbers, single press in Arabic Numerals and double tap is Hindi Numerals, and long press is Fractions.
    As for others, single press is main symbol while double tap is character displayed on the top-right corner of the key; while long press is all of rest of characters.
Arabic Mobile Keyboard Numbers

Long Press LTR FullForm
LRM Left-to-Right Mark
LRE Left-to-Right Embedding
LRO Left-to-Right Overlay
LRI Left-to-Right Isolate
FSI First Strong Isolate
Long Press RTL FullForm
RLM Right-to-Left Mark
RLE Right-to-Left Embedding
RLO Right-to-Left Overlay
RLI Right-to-Left Isolate
PDI Pop Directional Isolate
PDF Pop Directional Formatting
Arabic Mobile Keyboard Symbols

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