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Arbore Keyboard Help

A QWERTY-based keyboard for the Arbore language of Southwestern Ethiopia.


Combining Comma Characters

The key ' (U+0027) is used to append the character ʼ (U+02BC) to a letter. The only exceptions are ď (U+010F) and ť (U+0165), which have precomposed characters for the lowercase letters ONLY.

Base + Modifier = Result
c + ' =
b + ' =
d + ' = ď
k + ' =
š + TAB =
t + ' = ť
Base + Modifier = Result
C + ' =
B + ' =
D + ' =
K + ' =
Š + TAB =
T + ' =

Non-Latin Characters

The precomposed characters š (U+0161) and Š (U+0160) are also typed using ' (U+0027) for consistency and convenience.

Base + Modifier = Result
; + n = ŋ
: + n = ɲ
ŋ + TAB = ɲ
ɲ + TAB = ŋ
s + ' = š
Base + Modifier = Result
; + N = Ŋ
: + N = Ɲ
Ŋ + TAB = Ɲ
Ɲ + TAB = Ŋ
S + ' = Š


The keys ' and ' have been modified to type the characters (U+2039) and « (U+00AB) respectively.
Continuing to press the key after the typed character will cycle between and or » and «.

Base + Modifier = Result
' =
< + ' =
> + ' =
" = «
< + < = «
> + > = »
Base + Modifier = Result
+ ' =
+ ' =
« + " = »
» + " = «

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