Aus Phon Keyboard Help
The Aus Phon keyboards are a work in progres. So far we have designed a keyboard for phonemic (broad) transcription of Australian accented English speech. In the near future we will release a phonetic (narrow) keyboard.
We find the phonemic keyboard useful for touch typing symbols quickly and becoming fluent with transcribing the HCE (Harrington/Cox/Evans) system.

Key Sequences
The SHIFT key
Pressing the shift key (in yellow), then one of those white keys in the layout (right) provides access to the symbols shown in the top right hand area of each key. e.g. the shift key, then the 'e' key will output schwa /ə/.
The backtick key (in yellow), then the 'l', 'm', 'n', or 'r' key will produce the syllabic consonat marker below the character: l̩, m̩, n̩, ɹ̩.