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Banne Keyboard Help

QWERTY-based keyboard for the Banne language.


Base + Modifier = Result
s + ' = š
S + ' = Š


The ' key has been modified to cycle between (U+2039) and (U+203A) from the second keypress onwards.
The first keypress will produce the ' (U+0027) character as expected, and pressing it again will turn the ' into a . Pressing the ' key one more time will produce a .

The " key has been modified to automatically type the character « (U+00AB). To cancel this, pressing the ; key before typing a " will produce a normal ".
Pressing the " key repeatedly will cycle between the » (U+00BB) and « characters.

Base + Modifier = Result
' + ' =
< + ' =
> + ' =
" = «
< + < = «
> + > = »
Base + Modifier = Result
+ ' =
+ ' =
« + " = »
» + " = «
; + " = "

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