Cameroon QWERTY Unicode (deprecated) Keyboard Help
Cameroon QWERTY Unicode 50 Usage
Keyboard Information
![Keyboard Layout](keylayout.png)
![Keyboard Legend](keyinfo.png)
This chart describes the keystrokes used in Tavultesoft Keyman with Unicode 5.0 Cameroon
Characters and the US (QWERTY) Keyboard.
Use the semicolon (;) for the Cam key and the colon (:) for the special (Spcl) key. Open the
document but before typing select a font style from one of: Doulos SIL or Charis SIL. From the
Keyman icon in the System Tray (bottom right of screen) select the Cameroon Unicode
The Unicode version of Cameroon Characters is ultimately designed to work with any Unicode
font, although the character '(' is currently* only in the PUA (Personal Use Area) of the SIL
Unicode font family.
When adding nasal or tone diacritics, the typing sequence is always: Nasal ( ˜ ¸ ) + Tone ( ` ´ ^ ¯ etc.) + Vowel.
- Full Documentation (requires Adobe Reader).
- Copyright © SIL Cameroon
Version History
1.1 (30 June 2008) - Added Welcome and Usage pages, released for Keyman Desktop 7.0