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Kwadacha Tsek’ene Keyboard Help

This keyboard is designed for the Kwadacha Tsek’ene language of the BC Interior region of Canada.

If square boxes are displayed instead of characters when using this keyboard (and in the keyboard layouts below), please read our troubleshooting guide.

Keyboard Layout

  • The special Characters of Kwadacha Tsek’ene have been assigned to various punctuation keys
  • All accents are typed after the base character: à is typed a then backquote `
  • To type the low tone accent when it appears over a single letter use the slash key /
    à is typed a then /
  • To type the high tone accent when it appears over a single letter use the backquote key `
    í is typed i then `
  • To type the nasal accent when it appears under a single letter use the left bracket key [
    ǫ is typed o then [
  • To type the combined low tone and nasal accents over a single letter use the right bracket key ]
    ǫ̀ is typed o then ]
  • To type the combined high tone and nasal accents over a single letter use the backslash key \
    ǫ́ is typed o then \
  • The combined low tone or high tone and nasal accents can also be typed by typing the accents individually in either order
  • To type any of the accents over double vowels, type the double vowels followed by the key for desired accents
    ǫ́ǫ́ is typed oo then \
  • All changed punctuation can type their original value by holding down the Right-Alt or Option key. To get the original value of the left-bracket [ type Right-Alt+Left-Bracket (Windows) Option+Left-Bracket (Mac).

    Notes on touch layout

    `we è ę é ę̀ ę́´tyu ù ų ú ų̀ ų́i ì į í į̀ į́ò ǫ ó ǫ̀ ǫ́p
    a à ą á ą̀ ą́sdghjkl