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Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim Keyboard Help

This keyboard is designed for the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim language of the BC Coast region of Canada.

If square boxes are displayed instead of characters when using this keyboard (and in the keyboard layouts below), please read our troubleshooting guide.

Keyboard Layout

  • All accents are typed after the base character — w̓ is typed w then Backquote `
    • To type the acute accent use the Semicolon key ; — á is typed a then Semicolon ;
    • To type the combining glottalized accent use the Backquote key ` (next to the 1 key) — m̓ is typed m then Backquote `
      • The standalone weak glottal is typed with the Apostrophe key '
    • To type the underline accent (below macron) use the Hyphen key - — ḵ is typed k then Hyphen -
  • The letter is typed with the Left Bracket key [
  • The letter is typed with the Right Bracket key ]
  • The weak glottal ’ is typed with the Apostrophe key '
  • All changed punctuation can type their original value by holding down the Right-Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac).
    The Semicolon ; is typed RightAlt+; (Windows) or Option+; (Mac).

Notes on touch layout

w w̓ e é 7 t t’ tl’ ts ts’ y y̓ u ú i í p p’
a á s sh h ḵ ḵ’ ḵw ḵw’ k k’ kw kw’ l l̓ lh
x̱w x xw ch ch’ n n̓ m m̓
123 🌐 ´ space .
  • Keys with a red background are combining accents. On your mobile device, they will have green text.
  • The first character in a cell is the "one-tap" key, any further characters are "hold-select" keys.
  • Common punctuation marks can be found by pressing and holding the period key on the right side of the space bar.

All Documentation Versions

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