Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo Qubee Keyboard
Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo Keyboard
This is a keyboard for typing the Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo script in a style very similar to typing in Qubee Latin. Qubee Latin rules for typing Oromo language sounds are followed to the maximum extent possible, in a few cases where the Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo script adds additional letters for the sounds of other languages (Arabic for example), a small change from Qubee is introduced. See the typing manual for full details of the typing rules.
The pdf manual reviews typing in full detail.
This is an *exerimental* keyboard that will not be compatible with a future standard for the Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo script. The font that the keyboard relies on, the Sheek Bakri Saphaloo font, uses a temporary encoding space that would change under a final standard for the script. The implication is that documents composed with this typeface will be incompatible with the anticipated international standard and will either need to be recomposed on converted into the standard encoding.
This keyboard is copyright © Geʾez Frontier Foundation. It is distributed under the MIT free software license.
All Documentation Versions
- Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo Qubee Keyboard 1.0.8
- Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo Qubee Keyboard 1.0.7
- Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo Qubee Keyboard 1.0.6
- Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo Qubee Keyboard 1.0.5
- Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo Qubee Keyboard 1.0.2
- Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo Qubee Keyboard 1.0.1