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Nulisa Aksara Jawa keyboard shortcuts

Please refer to this combination table for the intended output. Don't rely on the On-Screen keyboard, as it has many limitations. If the pressed button doesn't produce the same result as below, please contact the author.

If you type the key on the left, followed by key on top, you'll get the following character.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x=ě y z
ꦧ꧀ ꦕ꧀ ꦢ꧀ ꦲꦺ ꦥ꦳꧀ ꦒ꧀ ꦲꦶ ꦗ꧀ ꦏ꧀ ꦭ꧀ ꦩ꧀ ꦤ꧀ ꦲꦺꦴ ꦥ꧀ ꦱ꧀ ꦠ꧀ ꦲꦸ ꦮ꦳꧀ ꦮ꧀ ꦲꦼ ꦪ꧀ ꦗ꦳꧀
꧀+ ꧀ꦧ꧀ ꧀ꦕ꧀ ꧀ꦢ꧀ ꧀ꦥ꦳꧀ ꧀ꦒ꧀ ꧀ꦗ꧀ ꧀ꦏ꧀ ꧀ꦭ꧀ ꧀ꦩ꧀ ꧀ꦤ꧀ ꦺꦴ ꧀ꦥ꧀ ꧀ꦱ꧀ ꧀ꦠ꧀ ꧀ꦮ꦳꧀ ꧀ꦮ꧀ ꧀ꦪ꧀ ꧀ꦗ꦳꧀

If you type the key on the top, followed by key on left, you'll get the following character.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x=ě y z
+a ꦲꦴ ꦲꦺꦪ ꦥ꦳ ꦲꦶꦪ ꦲꦺꦴꦮ ꦲꦸꦮ ꦮ꦳ ꦲꦼꦲ ꦗ꦳
+e ꦲꦲꦺ ꦧꦺ ꦕꦺ ꦢꦺ ꦲꦺꦲꦺ ꦥ꦳ꦺ ꦒꦺ ꦲꦺ ꦲꦶꦪꦺ ꦗꦺ ꦏꦺ ꦭꦺ ꦩꦺ ꦤꦺ ꦲꦺꦴꦮꦺ ꦥꦺ ꦫꦺ ꦱꦺ ꦠꦺ ꦲꦸꦮꦺ ꦮ꦳ꦺ ꦮꦺ ꦲꦼꦲꦺ ꦪꦺ ꦗ꦳ꦺ
+i ꦲꦻ ꦧꦶ ꦕꦶ ꦢꦶ ꦲꦺꦪꦶ ꦥ꦳ꦶ ꦒꦶ ꦲꦶ ꦲꦷ ꦗꦶ ꦏꦶ ꦭꦶ ꦩꦶ ꦤꦶ ꦲꦺꦴꦮꦶ ꦥꦶ ꦫꦶ ꦱꦶ ꦠꦶ ꦲꦸꦮꦶ ꦮ꦳ꦶ ꦮꦶ ꦲꦼꦲꦶ ꦪꦶ ꦗ꦳ꦶ
+o ꦲꦲꦺꦴ ꦧꦺꦴ ꦕꦺꦴ ꦢꦺꦴ ꦲꦺꦪꦺꦴ ꦥ꦳ꦺꦴ ꦒꦺꦴ ꦲꦺꦴ ꦲꦶꦪꦺꦴ ꦗꦺꦴ ꦏꦺꦴ ꦭꦺꦴ ꦩꦺꦴ ꦤꦺꦴ ꦲꦺꦴꦲꦺꦴ ꦥꦺꦴ ꦺꦴ ꦫꦺꦴ ꦱꦺꦴ ꦠꦺꦴ ꦲꦸꦮꦺꦴ ꦮ꦳ꦺꦴ ꦮꦺꦴ ꦲꦼꦲꦺꦴ ꦪꦺꦴ ꦗ꦳ꦺꦴ
+u ꦲꦻꦴ ꦧꦸ ꦕꦸ ꦢꦸ ꦲꦺꦵ ꦥ꦳ꦸ ꦒꦸ ꦲꦸ ꦲꦶꦪꦸ ꦗꦸ ꦏꦸ ꦭꦸ ꦩꦸ ꦤꦸ ꦲꦺꦴꦮꦸ ꦥꦸ ꦫꦸ ꦱꦸ ꦠꦸ ꦲꦹ ꦮ꦳ꦸ ꦮꦸ ꦲꦼꦲꦸ ꦪꦸ ꦗ꦳ꦸ
+x=ě ꦲꦲꦼ ꦧꦼ ꦕꦼ ꦢꦼ ꦲꦺꦲꦼ ꦥ꦳ꦼ ꦒꦼ ꦲꦼ ꦲꦶꦪꦼ ꦗꦼ ꦏꦼ ꦩꦼ ꦤꦼ ꦲꦺꦴꦮꦼ ꦥꦼ ꦱꦼ ꦠꦼ ꦲꦸꦮꦼ ꦮ꦳ꦼ ꦮꦼ ꦲꦼꦲꦼ ꦪꦼ ꦗ꦳ꦼ
+h ꦲꦃ ꦨ꧀ ꦖ꧀ ꦝ꧀ ꦲꦺꦃ ꦥ꦳꧀ꦃ ꦓ꧀ ꦃꦲ꧀ ꦲꦶꦃ ꦙ꧀ ꦑ꧀ ꦭ꧀ꦃ ꦩ꧀ꦃ ꦟ꧀ ꦲꦺꦴꦃ ꦦ꧀ ꧀ꦃ ꦂꦲ꧀ ꦯ꧀ ꦛ꧀ ꦲꦸꦃ ꦮ꦳꧀ꦃ ꦮ꧀ꦃ ꦲꦼꦃ ꦪ꧀ꦃ ꦗ꦳꧀ꦃ
+r ꦲꦂ ꦧꦿ꧀ ꦕꦿ꧀ ꦢꦿ꧀ ꦲꦺꦂ ꦥ꦳ꦿ꧀ ꦒꦿ꧀ ꦲꦿ꧀ ꦲꦶꦂ ꦗꦿ꧀ ꦏꦿ꧀ ꦭꦿ꧀ ꦩꦿ꧀ ꦤꦿ꧀ ꦲꦺꦴꦂ ꦥꦿ꧀ ꧀ꦂ ꦂꦫ꧀ ꦱꦿ꧀ ꦠꦿ꧀ ꦲꦸꦂ ꦮ꦳ꦿ꧀ ꦮꦿ꧀ ꦲꦼꦂ ꦪꦿ꧀ ꦗ꦳ꦿ꧀
+y ꦲꦪ꧀ ꦧꦾ꧀ ꦕꦾ꧀ ꦢꦾ꧀ ꦲꦺꦪ꧀ ꦥ꦳ꦾ꧀ ꦒꦾ꧀ ꦲꦾ꧀ ꦲꦶꦪ꧀ ꦗꦾ꧀ ꦏꦾ꧀ ꦭꦾ꧀ ꦩꦾ꧀ ꦚ꧀ ꦲꦺꦴꦪ꧀ ꦥꦾ꧀ ꧀ꦪ꧀ ꦂꦪ꧀ ꦱꦾ꧀ ꦠꦾ꧀ ꦲꦸꦪ꧀ ꦮ꦳ꦾ꧀ ꦮꦾ꧀ ꦲꦼꦪ꧀ ꦪꦾ꧀ ꦗ꦳ꦾ꧀

ꦨ꧀ ꦖ꧀ ꦣ꧀ ꦥ꦳꧀ ꦓ꧀ ꦙ꧀ ꦑ꧀ ꦭ꧀ ꦩ꧀ ꦟ꧀ ꦦ꧀ ꦐ꧀ ꦯ꧀ ꦡ꧀ ꦮ꦳꧀ ꦮ꧀ ꦄꦼ ꦰ꧀
꧀+ ꧀ꦄ ꧀ꦨ꧀ ꧀ꦖ꧀ ꧀ꦣ꧀ ꧀ꦌ ꧀ꦥ꦳꧀ ꧀ꦓ꧀ ꧀ꦆ ꧀ꦙ꧀ ꧀ꦑ꧀ ꧀ꦭ꧀ ꧀ꦩ꧀ ꧀ꦟ꧀ ꧀ꦎ ꧀ꦦ꧀ ꧀ꦐ꧀ ꧀ꦯ꧀ ꧀ꦡ꧀ ꧀ꦈ ꧀ꦮ꦳꧀ ꧀ꦮ꧀ ꧀ꦄꦼ ꧀ꦰ꧀

Punctuation and symbols

` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = [ ] \ ; ' , . /
shift+ ꦿ [2]
alt+ ꦿ
(ketik) ? ?? ?x3 ?x4 ?x5 ?x6

[1] ZWJ = Zero-Width Joiner

[2] ? = switcher. Type multiple times to go through the 6 long vowels (sandhangan)

Hidden features / Fitur tersembunyi. They're still in testing mode, and may change in the future.

  • CTRL+SPASI: Spasi normal
  • CTRL+1 (default): Spasi tidak berfungsi - Anda bisa mengetik dengan spasi, tapi hasilnya keluar tanpa spasi (scriptio continua), seperti penulisa aksara Jawa pada umumnya. Jika Anda menginginkan ZWJ dalam moda ini, ketik karakter [`] (di sebelah kiri angka 1)
  • CTRL+2: Spasi berfungsi sebagai Zero-Width Joiner - Jika Anda menggunakan spasi, maka antara dua karakter yang dipisahkan ZWJ tidak akan terbentuk pasangan. Ideal untuk pemisahan per kata sehingga bisa direkonstruksi/ditransliterasi ulang kata per kata ke dalam bahasa Latin tanpa kesalahan. Kekurangannya adalah banyaknya pangkon dan pasangan hanya terbentuk di tengah kata, tidak ada pasangan di awal kata.
  • CTRL+3: Mengaktifkan mode Sunda. Pengetikan 'o' menjadi 'tolong', bukan 'taling tarung'. Pengetikan suku-suku kata berakhiran -eu. 'Nya' bukan karakter aksara Jawa 'Nya' ꦚ, tapi karakter 'Na' diberi pasangan 'Nya' ꦤ꧀ꦚ
  • CTRL+4: combining double breve below, to write some Chinese 'rekan'
  • CTRL+5: combining diaresis, to write some Chinese 'rekan'
  • CTRL+6: 'ꦡ' '͜' 'ꦌ' '̈' - Chinese 'rekan'
  • CTRL+7: 'ꦯ' '͜' 'ꦌ' '̈' - Chinese 'rekan'
  • CTRL+8: 'ꦤ' '͜' 'ꦌ' '̈' - Chinese 'rekan'
  • CTRL+9: 'ꦲ' '꧀' 'ꦮ' 'ꦌ' '̈' - Chinese 'rekan'

How to write down:

- ng r h ALT+1 ALT+2 ALT+3 qi ALT+4 qu ALT+5 qe ALT+6 qx ALT+7
or &
or *
or (
q { } ; ' / " : , . \ | [ ] = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 < >
ꦎꦀ ꦥꦁ ꦥꦂ ꦥꦃ ꦥ꦳ ꦥꦴ ꦥꦵ ꦥꦶ ꦥꦷ ꦥꦸ ꦥꦹ ꦥꦺ ꦥꦻ ꦥꦼ ꦥꦽ ꦥꦾ ꦥꦿ ꦥ꧀
O- pang par pah fa paa * pi pii pu puu pe pai px prx pya pra p

* Untuk pengetikan ꦥ+ꦵ (tolong), ketik 'p' lalu ALT+3

A II I Ii O rx lx lxu E Ai O ka Qa Ka ga Ga nga ca Ca ja jnya Ja nya tha Tha dha Dha Na ta Ta da Da na pa Pa ba Ba ma ya ra RRa la wa Sa Za sa ha
! @ kha gha # cha ) jha $ % ) ^ + pha bha sha

Latinjer basuki mawa bea
Input[j] [x] [r] [ba] [s] [u] [k] [i] [ma] [wa] [b] [e] [a]

Latinlambé biru kecu
Input[la] [m] [b] [e] [b] [i] [r] [u] [k] [x] [c] [u]

Latinflamboyan wungu
Input[f] [la] [m] [b] [o] [ya] [n] [w] [u] [ng] [u]

Latinmangan krupuk lan klepon
Input[ma] [nga] [n] [k] [r] [u] [p] [u] [k] [la] [n] [k] [l] [x] [p] [o] [n]

Latincumplung kecemplung jumbleng
Input[c] [u] [m] [p] [l] [u] [ng] [k] [x] [c] [x] [m] [p] [l] [u] [ng] [j] [u] [m] [b] [l] [x] [ng]

Latinkonferènsi Asia Afrika
Input[k] [o] [n] [f] [x] [r] [e] [n] [s] [i] [A] [s] [i] [a] [h] [A] [f] [r] [i] [ka] [h]

LatinSumantri liwat kreteg
Input[s] [u] [ma] [n] [t] [r] [i] [l] [i] [wa] [t] [k] [rx] [t] [x] [g]

Latinisor bréngos nyakil mrongos
Input[i] [s] [o] [r] [b] [r] [e] [ng] [o] [s] [nya] [k] [i] [l] [m] [r] [o] [ng] [o] [s]

Input[wa] [i] [dh] [u] [u] [r] [y] [ya] [a] [ma] [ra] [n] [i] [i] [la]

Latinnarāryya kṛṣṇān laku
Input[na] [ra] [a] [r] [y] [ya] [k] [rx] [Z] [Na] [a] [n] [la] [k] [u]

Latinsākṣāt sěkar ning suji
Input[sa] [a] [k] [Za] [a] [t] [s] [x] [ka] [r] [n] [i] [ng] [s] [u] [j] [i]

Latinjalesveva jayamahe
Input[ja] [l] [e] [s] [w] [e] [wa] [ja] [ya] [ma] [h] [e]

Usage Notes

How to use the keyboard (for user), or read the codes (for developer)

  • Adeg-adeg (sentence openings). Type the pipe symbol (|) to get 'adeg-adeg' ꧋. Type \ to get ꧊. 'Rerenggan kiwa/tengen' ꧁ and ꧂ can be typed using { and }.
  • Nglegena. This is the basic 20 letters (consonantal syllables), and also the 16 murda letters and mahaprana letters. They can stand alone by themselves, and by default assigned the voice of 'a' /ɔ/.
  • Sandhangan (vowels). This is the basic 4 vowels ('wulu', 'suku', 'taling', 'pepet'), and 6 long vowels (including 'tarung', see double vowels). They cannot stand alone by themselves, and must be joined by a nglegena. Also for the sake of category, I would include here the 8 'aksara swara' vowels (A/E/I/O/U/Ai/Ii/II), even though these vowels can stand by themselves, without nglegena. To type standalone sandhangan
    • 'qe' - 'taling' ꦺ
    • 'qi' - 'wulu' ꦶ
    • 'qo' - 'taling tarung' ꦺꦴ
    • 'qu' - 'suku' ꦸ
    • 'qx' - 'pepet' ꦼ
  • Letters. When you type a letter, if it's a vowel (a/e/i/o/u/x), then you get the character 'ha' with the appropriate 'sandhangan' immediately (one-to-two mapping, or in the case of 'o', one-to-three). If you type a consonant, you will get the 'nglegena' form with the pangkon attached (one-to-two, or one-to-three in the cases of 'f','v','z').
  • X-Q rule. Typing 'x' will give you ('ha'+)'pepet'. Typing 'q' will give you 'pangkon'. These are the only arbitrary placement that you need to memorize. It just happened to fit nicely in QWERTY keyboard, because X and Q are unused letters (while 'f', 'v', and 'z', even though not found in native Javanese language, they are 'aksara rekan', and frequently used in words borrowed from Indonesian)
  • Pangkon (virama). So, why the 'nglegena' was attached with 'pangkon' by default? Well, it's because if you just type a consonant, it could be anywhere, in the start, middle, or end of a syllable. If it's in the start, you just need to add a vowel, and the pangkon will be replaced by the appropriate 'sandhangan' (minus the 'ha', they're not needed anymore), if it's in the middle, it will transform to 'wyanjana', if it's 'r' or 'y'. If it's in the end, it would transform to 'sesigeg' if it's 'r', 'h', or 'ng'
    • Rule 1: Pangkon + Vowel will remove the 'pangkon' and add a 'sandhangan' where appropriate.
    • Rule 2: Pangkon + Consonant will turn the consonant into 'pasangan', followed by another 'pangkon'
    • Rule 3: Pangkon + Consonant + Pangkon + Consonant will put a Zero-Width Joiner after first pangkon, so that it won't try to form a double subscript glyphs.
  • Sesigeg (final consonants). If you type an 'r', an 'h', or an 'n'-followed-by-'g', you will get a 'sesigeg' ('layar', 'wignyan', or 'cecak'). If it is immediately followed by a 'wyanjana' and/or a vowel, they will transform to 'ra', 'ha', and 'nga' automatically (+ applicable 'sandhangan'), because 'layar', 'wignyan', or 'cecak' are basically 'ra pangkon', 'ha pangkon', and 'nga pangkon'. So all rules regarding 'pangkon' + 'letter' would apply to them as well. To type them independently, you can use:
    • 'R' - 'layar'
    • 'H' - 'wignyan'
    • 'Y' - 'cecak'
  • Double consonants. If you type these two/three letters in sequence, you would get different character (replacing the first one)
    • 'ny' - 'nya pangkon' ꦚ꧀ (replacing 'na pangkon' ꦤ꧀)
    • 'ng' - 'cecak'   ꦁ (see sesigeg)
    • 'nn' - 'na murda' ꦟ꧀
    • 'th' - 'tha pangkon' ꦛ꧀ (replacing 'ta pangkon' ꦠ꧀)
    • 'dh' - 'dha pangkon' ꦝ꧀ (replacing 'da pangkon' ꦢ꧀)
    • 'nj' - 'nya pangkon ja pangkon' ꦚ꧀ꦗ꧀ (nasal sound)
    • 'nc' - 'nya pangkon ca pangkon' ꦚ꧀ꦕ꧀ (nasal sound)
  • Double vowels. If you type these two/three letters in sequence, you would get different character (replacing the first one)
    • 'aa' - 'tarung' ꦴ
    • 'ai' - 'dirga mure' ꦻ
    • 'au' - 'dirga mure + tarung' ꦻꦴ
    • 'ii' - 'wulu melik' ꦷ
    • 'i'/'e' + any other vowel - instead of 'ha' in the middle, you get 'ya'
    • 'uu' - 'suku mendhut' ꦹ
    • 'u'/'o' + any other vowel - instead of 'ha' in the middle, you get 'wa'
  • Wyanjana (medial consonants). If you type a consonant followed by an 'r' or a 'y', you will get 'wyanjana' ('cakra' or 'pengkal'), followed by a 'pangkon'*. You need to type a vowel afterwards, lest you would have an invalid 'wyanjana'+'pangkon' combination. If you type a consonant followed by an 'r' followed by an 'x', you will get a 'cakra keret' instead of 'cakra + pepet'. To type them independently, you can use:
    • '&' (SHIFT+7) or (ALT+7) - 'cakra keret'
    • '(' (SHIFT+8) or (ALT+8) - 'pengkal'
    • ')' (SHIFT+9) or (ALT+9) - 'cakra'
    • *Now, I know it's highly unusual to see 'wyanjana' with 'pangkon', but I decided for the sake of code brevity. Otherwise I have to make separate rules for 'wyanjana'. Instead, since they ends with 'pangkon', all the rules for 'pangkon' also applies for them. In one way, it makes sense, because if you only type 'br' for example, it doesn't have a vowel yet. If you leave it like that, of course it's wrong. Only after you type a vowel would the 'pangkon' get replaced by applicable 'sandhangan'
  • Rekan. They're supplementing the letters that aren't found in Javanese language, namely 'f/v/z'. Some sources equate 'f' and 'v' as 'pa + cecak telu', while some others differentiate them. I subscribe to the second group: 'f' as 'pa + cecak telu'(+'pangkon') and 'v' as 'wa + cecak telu'(+'pangkon'). 'z' is 'ja + cecak telu'(+'pangkon'). Writing 'f/v/z' would also ends with 'pangkon'. For other rekan that uses 'cecak telu':
    • ꦒ꦳ GA + CECAK TELU = غ (γa).
    • ꦗ꦳ JA + CECAK TELU = ز (za).
    • ꦢ꦳ DA + CECAK TELU = ذ (dza).
    • ꦦ꦳ PA MURDA + CECAK TELU = ف (fa).
    • ꦔ꦳ NGA + CECAK TELU = ع ('a).
    • ꦱ꦳ SA + CECAK TELU = ش (ša).
    • ꦲ꦳ HA + CECAK TELU = ح (ḥa).
    For these letters there are no shortcuts, you have to be creative, and found a way to write it your own with the available means. For example, to type 'dza', you can type 'da'+'~' (tilde), 'dzi' = 'da'+'~'+'q'+' i'.
    For Chinese 'rekan', I couldn't find any reliable source regarding their history, list, and usage (pronounciation), only from Wikipedia, and they're archaic/not proper pinyin/mandarin and not suitable for modern usage. I'm not listing them here for now, because I'm planning to build a systematic index of every Chinese syllable and their Javanese script counterpart (Indeks:Pinyin-Aksara Jawa).
  • Murda and Mahaprana. I store them in the capital Latin consonant letters, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're Javanese capital letter, it's just for convenience and mnemonic. Their number is only 10 single-letter Murda ('KGCJTDNPBS') and 3 multi-letters Murda. Below are some double consonant combinations for murda letters.
    • 'Th' - 'tta mahaprana pangkon' ꦜ꧀ (replacing 'Ta pangkon' ꦡ꧀)
    • 'Dh' - 'dda mahaprana pangkon' ꦞ꧀ (replacing 'Da pangkon' ꦣ꧀)
    • 'jny' - 'nya murda pangkon' ꦘ꧀
    • the 10 murda above can also be written by typing the 10 corresponding nglegena with 'h'. So 'kh' = "K", 'gh' = 'G', etc. Except 'dh' and 'th'.
    The other 10 capital Latin consonant letters (QZHRY) and (FVMLW) doesn't store 'murda' letters. I used Q for 'Ka Sasak', Z for 'Sa Mahaprana' (to differentiate from S, 'Sa Murda'), and H, R, Y for 'wyanjana'. If you typed a murda it will also attached by 'pangkon' and the above 'pangkon' rules apply. (FVMLW) are currently unused. The six capital Latin vowel letters and x (AEIOUX) are used for 'aksara swara' (see sandhangan above). Some special 'aksara swara' (long vowels):
    • 'Aa' - 'A tarung' ꦄꦴ (long-A)
    • 'Ai' - 'Ai' ꦍ
    • 'Ii' - 'Ii' ꦇ (long-I)
    • 'II' - 'I Kawi' ꦅ
    • 'Uu' - 'U tarung' ꦈꦴ (long-U)
    • 'Oo' - 'O tarung' 'Au' ꦎꦴ (long-O)
  • Special letters. 'Aksara ganten'
    • 'rx' - 'pa cerek' ꦉ (replacing 'ra pepet' ꦫꦼ)
    • 'lx' - 'nga lelet' ꦊ
    • 'RR' - 'ra agung + pangkon' ꦬ꧀
  • Numbers. For numbers, you just typed it normally. The only difference with normal numbers is that Javanese numbers are always enclosed/surrounded by 'pada pangkat' ꧇ (looks like a semicolon) by typing a semicolon ':'. Rule:
    • when a non-number followed by number, it's separated by 'pada pangkat'
    • when a number followed by non-number, it's separated by 'pada pangkat' as well
    • if the number is in the beginning, it's started with 'pada pangkat'
    • if a number is at the end, followed by period ('pada lungsi')
    • a number will be ended with 'pada pangkat' before the 'pada lungsi' automatically, except if it's at the very end, and there's no more character to follow, then you have to manually close the 'pada pangkat' by typing semicolon ':'.
  • Special characters. See the visual mapping of the keyboard for reference, or the table above. They might move in the future. I'm trying to make it as intuitive as possible. Some special combinations:
    • ꧅꧉ꦧ꧀ꦖ꧉꧅or ꧅ꦧ꧀ꦖ꧅or ꧅ꦧ꧀ꦕ꧅'purwapada' - to introduce a poem.

      It can be typed as such: '/.bcha./' or '/bcha/' or '/bCa/' or '/bca/'
    • ꧅꧉ꦟ꧀ꦢꦿ꧉꧅or ꧅ꦟ꧀ꦢꦿ꧅'madyapada' - to indicates a new song within a poem.

      It can be typed as such: '/.Ndra./' or '/Ndra/'
    • ꧅꧉ꦆ꧉꧅or ꧅ꦆ꧅'wasanapada' - to end a poem.

      It can be typed as such: '/.I./' or '/I/'
  • Invalid combinations. I have tried to reduce the possibility of invalid combinations as minimal as possible.
    • Combination of a 'pangkon', 'sesigeg', 'wyanjana', 'panyangga' and themselves is not allowed (eg. q+q)
    • Combination of a 'number' and number's 'pada pangkat', and a 'pangkon', 'sesigeg', 'wyanjana', 'panyangga' is not allowed. (But the reverse is allowed)
    • Combination of a 'pada pangkat' and another 'pada pangkat' is not allowed

All Documentation Versions

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