Jèrriais Keyboard Help
A keyboard for typing in Jèrriais, a dialect of Norman and the native language of Jersey in the Channel Islands.
The desktop version is used with a UK QWERTY keyboard, and adds key combinations for diacritics.
- A vowel followed by two single quotes ('') creates an acute accent: e'' = é
- A vowel followed by two backticks (``) creates a grave accent: a`` = à
- A vowel (or "y") followed by two carets (^^) creates a circumflex: o^^ = ô
- A vowel followed by two double quotes ("") creates a diaresis: i"" = ï
- A "c" followed by two commas (,,) creates a cedilla: c,, = ç
The mobile keyboard is a QWERTY layout. The vowels and some other letters with dots in the top right corner can be long-pressed for accent options, and long pressing the full-stop and apostrophe keys gives further punctuation.
You can also use flicking gestures for commonly used accents:
- Flicking up on a vowel gives a circumflex
- Flicking up and to the right on an appropriate vowel gives an acute accent
- Flicking down and to the right on an appropriate vowel gives a grave accent
- Flicking to the left gives a diaresis
- Flicking down on the c key gives a cedilla
- Flicking left on the full stop gives a comma
- Flicking up on the full stop gives an exclamation mark
- Flicking up on the apostrophe gives a double quote
Other punctuation can be found by pressing the 123 key.