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Urdu (deprecated) Keyboard Help

This keyboard is designed for use with the Urdu language of India and Pakistan. It includes an on screen keyboard which can be viewed by clicking on the Keyman icon and selecting the On Screen Keyboard menu item, and a touch layout optimized for phones and tablets.

This keyboard includes the Google font Noto Nastaliq Urdu Draft. This is the recommended font for Urdu text on Windows and online.

If square boxes are displayed instead of characters when using this keyboard (and in the keyboard layouts below), please read our troubleshooting guide.

Desktop Keyboard Layout

Phone Keyboard Layout

Tablet Keyboard Layout

Note: Longpress keys are not currently visible in this static documentation, and so some additional letters may be accessible through these longpress keys.


Release History

Version 1.0, released 10 November 2008

Version 1.1, released 13 January 2015: added touch layouts and Noto Nastaliq Urdu Draft font

Version 1.2, released 16 January 2015: additional diacritic marks on longpress keys

All Documentation Versions

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