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Masaram Gondi (ITRANS) Keyboard Help

This keyboard is designed for typing the Masaram Gondi language in the Gondi script. A Gondi font is required for displaying the characters. This keyboard package will install the Noto Sans Masaram Gondi font.


Read more detailed instructions and documentation on using keyboard.

Keyboard layouts

The default and shifted layouts cover Masaram Gondi digits, consonants, vowels and other commonly used characters.

Default (unshifted)

Default (unshifted) state


Shift state

You can phonetically type Gondi using the modified ITRANS transliteration scheme on a regular QWERTY keyboard and get Masaram Gondi output.

Mobile Keyboard layouts

The default and shifted layouts cover Masaram Gondi digits, consonants, vowels and other commonly used characters.

Default (unshifted)

Default (unshifted) state


Shift state

सूर्क ( गोंडी स्वर )

𑴀 𑴁 𑴂 𑴃 𑴄 𑴅
अ a आ aa इ i ई   ii उ u ऊ oo
𑴆 𑴈 𑴉 𑴋 𑴀𑵀 𑴀𑵁
ए e ऐ ai ओ o औ au अं ang अः ah

कून्क ( गोंडी मात्रा )

𑵄 𑴱 𑴲 𑴳 𑴴 𑴵
𑴀 a i I u U
𑴺 𑴼 𑴽 𑴿 𑵀 𑵁
e 𑴆+i o 𑴀+u M H

वंजेग ( गोंडी व्यंजन )

𑴌 𑴍 𑴎 𑴏 𑴐
क ka ख kha ग ga घ gha ड़ Fa
𑴑 𑴒 𑴓 𑴔 𑴕
च ca छ cha ज ja झ jha ञ Ya
𑴖 𑴗 𑴘 𑴙 𑴚
ट Ta ठ Tha ड Da ढ़ Dha ण Na
𑴛 𑴜 𑴝 𑴞 𑴟
त ta थ tha द da ध dha न na
𑴠 𑴡 𑴢 𑴣 𑴤
प pa फ pha ब ba भ bha म ma
𑴥 𑴦 𑴧 𑴨 𑴩
य ya र ra ल la व va श sha
𑴪 𑴫 𑴬 𑴭
ष Sa स sa ह ha ळ La
𑴮 𑴯 𑴰
क्ष xa ज्ञ Xa त्र Za

बारहखड़ीग (बारहखड़ी)

𑴌𑵄 𑴌 𑴌𑴱 𑴌𑴲 𑴌𑴳 𑴌𑴴 𑴌𑴵 𑴌𑴺 𑴌𑴼 𑴌𑴽 𑴌𑴿 𑴌𑵀 𑴌𑵁 𑴌𑵇 𑴌𑵆 𑴌𑵇𑴲
क k क ka का kaa कि ki की kI कु ku कू koo के ke कै kaI को ko कौ kau कं kaM कः kaH क्र kra र्क kr कृ kri

Sentences Example (वाक्य उदाहरण)

1- meraa naama rajesha kumaara dhuriyaa hai.
𑵑. 𑴤𑴺𑴦𑴱 𑴟𑴱𑴤 𑴦𑴱𑴓𑴺𑴩 𑴌𑴴𑴤𑴱𑴦 𑴞𑴴𑴦𑴲𑴥𑴱 𑴬𑴼.
1- मेरा नाम राजेश कुमार धुरिया है ।

कंकू ( अंक )

𑵑 𑵒 𑵓 𑵔 𑵕 𑵖 𑵗 𑵘 𑵙 𑵐
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

About Author

My self Rajesh Kumar Dhuriya a full time Computer teacher and freelauncer software & web developer.

Contact us

Siddharth Nagar, UP(E), India
Email us: hinditutorpoint[at]gmail[dot]com
Created by Rajesh Kumar Dhuriya · © 2021-2022

All Documentation Versions

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