Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help
This is a Keyman implementation of the Mozhi Layout for Malayalam. Mozhi has been popular among both ametures and enthusiasts alike for about a couple of decades.
Keyboard Mapping in Keyman

Mozhi Malayalam Layout
Mozhi v2 is an update to include newly encoded characters, handling of chandakkala, use of joiners, shift-less input etc. In this version, we are trying to hit a sweet spot with following objectives:
- Naturalness: being close to transliteration traditions of Malayalees; 'th' → ത
- Consistency - same sequence for same phenomena, 'h' is used to indicate aspirated consonants.
- Economical about keystrokes
- Type without pressing shift key
A sample case study looking at the relationship between these parameters and the corresponding keystroke economy.
Mozhi Keyboard Details
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
അ | a | A | അല | ala |
ആ | aa | AA | ആല | aala |
ഇ | i | I | ഇല | ila |
ഈ | ii | II | ഈറ | iiRa |
ഉ | u | U | ഉമ | uma |
ഊ | uu | UU | ഊമ | uuma |
ഋ | R | VOCALIC R | ഋഷി | Rshi |
എ | e | E | എലി | eli |
ഏ | E | EE | ഏലം | Elam |
ഐ | ai | AI | ഐക്യം | aikyam |
ഒ | o | O | ഒരു | oru |
ഓ | O | OO | ഓരം | Oram |
ഔ | au | AU | ഔഷധം | aushadham |
ഃ | H | VISARGA | ദുഃഖം | duHkham |
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ക | ka | KA | കല | kala |
ഖ | kha | KHA | നഖം | nakham |
ഗ | ga | GA | ഗരം | garam |
ഘ | gha | GHA | മേഘം | mEgham |
ങ | nga | NGA | ങ്യാവൂ | ngyaavoo |
ച | cha | CA | ചരം | charam |
ഛ | chha | CHA | ഛായ | chhaaya |
ജ | ja | JA | ജലം | jalam |
ഝ | jha | JHA | ഝാൻസി | jhaansi |
ഞ | nja | NYA | ഞാൻ | njaan |
ട | Ta | TTA | ടിപ്പു | Tippu |
ഠ | Tha | TTHA | പാഠം | paaTham |
ഡ | Da | DDA | ഡപ്പി | Dappi |
ഢ | Dha | DDHA | ദൃഢം | dRDham |
ണ | Na | NNA | മണം | maNam |
ത | tha | TA | തത്ത | thaththa |
ഥ | thha | THA | കഥ | kathha |
ദ | da | DA | ദയ | daya |
ധ | dha | DHA | ധനം | dhanam |
ന | na | NA | നന്ന് | nann |
പ | pa | PA | പല | pala |
ഫ | pha | PHA | ഫലം | phalam |
ബ | ba | BA | ബലം | balam |
ഭ | bha | BHA | ഭയം | bhayam |
മ | ma | MA | മയം | mayam |
യ | ya | YA | യതി | yathi |
ര | ra | RA | രണ്ട് | raNT |
ല | la | LA | ലത | latha |
വ | va | VA | വരം | varam |
ശ | Sa | SHA | ശരം | Saram |
ഷ | sha | SSA | ഷാരം | shaaram |
സ | sa | SA | സാരം | saaram |
ഹ | ha | HA | ഹാരം | haaram |
ള | La | LLA | ഇള | iLa |
ഴ | zha | LLLA | ഇഴ | izha |
റ | Ra | RRA | പറ | paRa |
റ്റ | ta | RRA, VIRAMA, RRA | റ്റാറ്റ | taata |
₹ | $ | INDIAN RUPEE SIGN | ₹10 | $10 |
The letters r, n, N, l, L or m at the beginning of a word or after a vowel will form corresponding chillu character. Anusvara (ം) is considered a chillu of 'മ'.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ർ | r | CHILLU RR | അവർ | avar |
ൻ | n | CHILLU N | അവൻ | avan |
ൺ | N | CHILLU NN | ആൺ | aanh |
ൽ | l | CHILLU L | അവൽ | aval |
ൾ | L | CHILLU LL | അവൾ | avalh |
ം | m | ANUSVARA | ജിം | jim |
Semi-vowel signs
Described by examples:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
സ്യ | sya | SA, VIRAMA, YA | സസ്യം | sasyam |
സ്ര | sra | SA, VIRAMA, RA | സ്രാവം | sraavam |
സ്ല | sla | SA, VIRAMA, LA | സ്ലാവിക് | slaavik |
സ്ള | sLa | SA, VIRAMA, LLA | ബ്ളോഗ് | bLOg |
സ്വ | sva | SA, VIRAMA, VA | സ്വരം | svaram |
Additional mapping for shift-less entry
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ഏ | ea | EE | ഗ്രേറ്റ് | great |
ഓ | oa | OO | സോപ് | soap |
ട്ട | ttta | TTA, VIRAMA, TTA | കട്ട | kattta |
ഠ | ttha | TTHA | കണ്ഠം | kanttham |
ഡ | dta | DDA | വീഡിയോ | veedtiyoa |
ഢ | dtha | DDHA | ഗൂഢം | goodtham |
ണ | nha | NNA | ആണ് | aanh` |
ശ | za | SHA | ശരം | zaram |
ള | lha | LLA | ഇള | ilha |
The letter 'n' can be 'ണ' in some conjuncts:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ണ്ട | ntta | NNA, VIRAMA, TTA | കണ്ടം | kanttam |
ണ്ഠ | nttha | NNA, VIRAMA, TTHA | കണ്ഠം | kanttham |
ഷ്ണ | shna | SSA, VIRAMA, NNA | കൃഷ്ണ | krshna |
Additional mapping for minimum keystrokes
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ച | ca | CA | ചാടി | cAtti |
ഫ | fa | PHA | ഫാൻ | fAn |
ഖ | qa | KHA | ഖത്തർ | qaTHar |
ക്സ | xa | KA, VIRAMA, SA | എക്സ്റേ | exRE |
ച്ഛ | Cha | CA, VIRAMA, CHA | അച്ഛൻ | aChan |
ഭ | Fa | BHA | ഭാഷ | Faasha |
ഘ | Qa | GHA | മേഘം | mEQam |
ക്ഷ | Xa | KA, VIRAMA, SSA | ആക്ഷൻ | AXan |
ഴ | Za | LLLA | വ്യാഴാഴ്ച | vyAZAZca |
Corresponding minimization in conjuncts, for shift-less input:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ങ്ക | nka | NGA, VIRAMA, KA | മങ്ക | manka |
ഞ്ച | nca | GYA, VIRAMA, CA | പുഞ്ച | punca |
ഞ്ച | ncha | GYA, VIRAMA, CA | പുഞ്ച | puncha |
ഞ്ഛ | nchha | GYA, VIRAMA, CHA | വാഞ്ഛ | vAnchha |
ച്ച | chca | CA, VIRAMA, CA | പൂച്ച | poochca |
ച്ഛ | ccha | CA, VIRAMA, CHA | പുച്ഛം | puccham |
ത്ത | thta | TA, VIRAMA, TA | അത്തം | athtam |
ള്ള | llha | LLA, VIRAMA, LLA | ഉള്ള | ullha |
Additional mapping for consistency
Long form of the vowels with additional 'a':
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ആ | aa | AA | ||
ഏ | ea | EE | ഗ്രേറ്റ് | great |
ഈ | ia | II | ഈട് | iaT |
ഓ | oa | OO | സോപ് | soap |
ഊ | ua | UU | ഊട് | uaT |
Additional mapping for naturalness
Vowel mappings:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ഈ | ee | II | ഹീൽ | heel |
ഊ | oo | UU | പൂൾ | pooL |
ഏ | ae | EE | ആൽഗേ | Algae |
ഐ | ei | AI | ഐൻസ്റ്റൈൻ | einstein |
ഔ | ou | AU | സൗത്ത് | souTH |
Consonant and conjunct mappings: | ||||
വ | wa | VA | വെബ് | web |
ണ്ട | Nta | NNA, VIRAMA, TA | ചെണ്ട | cheNta |
Repetition = upper-casing = gemination
Repetition and upper-casing are equivalent and means gemination(vowel elongation or consonant doubling), if it does not conflict with the basic mapping.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ആ | aa | AA | ആസിഡ് | aasiD |
ആ | A | AA | ആസിഡ് | AsiD |
ബ്ബ | bba | BA, VIRAMA, BA | റബ്ബർ | rrabbar |
ബ്ബ | Ba | BA, VIRAMA, BA | റബ്ബർ | RaBar |
ച്ച | cca | CA, VIRAMA, CA | കൊച്ചി | kocci |
ച്ച | Ca | CA, VIRAMA, CA | കൊച്ചി | koCi |
ച്ച | chcha | CA, VIRAMA, CA | കൊച്ചി | kochchi |
ച്ച | CHa | CA, VIRAMA, CA | കൊച്ചി | koCHi |
ഗ്ഗ | gga | GA, VIRAMA, GA | വർഗ്ഗീസ് | varggiis |
ഗ്ഗ | Ga | GA, VIRAMA, GA | വർഗ്ഗീസ് | varGIs |
ഈ | ii | II | ഈജിപ്ത് | iijipth |
ഈ | I | II | ഈജിപ്ത് | Ijipth |
ജ്ജ | jja | JA, VIRAMA, JA | ഹജ്ജ് | hajj |
ജ്ജ | Ja | JA, VIRAMA, JA | ഹജ്ജ് | haJ |
ക്ക | kka | KA, VIRAMA, KA | സർക്കാർ | sarkkaar |
ക്ക | Ka | KA, VIRAMA, KA | സർക്കാർ | sarKAr |
മ്മ | mma | MA, VIRAMA, MA | മമ്മൂട്ടി | mammuuttti |
മ്മ | Ma | MA, VIRAMA, MA | മമ്മൂട്ടി | maMUTTi |
ഞ്ഞ | njnja | NYA, VIRAMA, NYA | മഞ്ഞ് | manjnj |
ഞ്ഞ | NJa | NYA, VIRAMA, NYA | മഞ്ഞ് | maNJ |
ങ്ങ | ngnga | NGA, VIRAMA, NGA | മൂങ്ങ | muungnga |
ങ്ങ | NGa | NGA, VIRAMA, NGA | മൂങ്ങ | mUNGa |
പ്പ | ppa | PA, VIRAMA, PA | റിപ്പോർട്ട് | rrippOrtt |
പ്പ | Pa | PA, VIRAMA, PA | റിപ്പോർട്ട് | RiPOrTT |
റ | Ra | RRA | പറ | paRa |
റ | rra | RRA | പറ | parra |
ഋക് | Rk | VOCALIC R | ഋണം | RNam |
ഋക് | rrk | VOCALIC R | ഋണം | rrNam |
ട | Ta | TTA | കട | kaTa |
അട | atta | TTA | കട | katta |
ത്ത | ththa | TA, VIRAMA, TA | തത്ത | thaththa |
ത്ത | THa | TA, VIRAMA, TA | തത്ത | thaTHa |
ഊ | uu | UU | ന്യൂസ് | nyuus |
ഊ | U | UU | ന്യൂസ് | nyUs |
വ്വ | vva | VA, VIRAMA, VA | സർവ്വീസ് | sarvviis |
വ്വ | Va | VA, VIRAMA, VA | സർവ്വീസ് | sarVIs |
വ്വ | wwa | VA, VIRAMA, VA | സർവ്വീസ് | sarwwiis |
വ്വ | Wa | VA, VIRAMA, VA | സർവ്വീസ് | sarWIs |
യ്യ | yya | YA, VIRAMA, YA | അയ്യപ്പൻ | ayyappan |
യ്യ | Ya | YA, VIRAMA, YA | അയ്യപ്പൻ | aYaPan |
Doubling of ങ (NGA) and ഞ (NYA) in medial position
The sequence 'ng' produces ങ്ങ് and 'nj' produces ഞ്ഞ് if it is typed after a vowel and is not followed by a consonant.
At the same time, 'ngng' produces ങ്ങ് and 'njnj' produces ഞ്ഞ്. To produce singular form in those cases, prefix '-'(dash), by forcing it to be at word initial position. Examples:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ങ | nga | NGA | ങ്യാവൂ | ngyaavoo |
അങ്ങ | anga | A, NGA, VIRAMA, NGA | അങ്ങനെ | angane |
അങ്ങ | angnga | A, NGA, VIRAMA, NGA | അങ്ങനെ | angngane |
അങ | a-nga | A, NGA | പിങ്പോങ് | pi-ngpO-ng |
ങ്ഗ | ngga | NGA, VIRAMA, GA | ശാർങ്ഗ | Saarngga |
ഞ | nja | NYA | ഞാൻ | njaan |
അഞ്ഞ | anja | A, NYA, VIRAMA, NYA | മഞ്ഞ് | manj |
അഞ്ഞ | anjnja | A, NYA, VIRAMA, NYA | മഞ്ഞ് | manjnj |
അഞ | a-nja | A, NYA | കൈഞരമ്പ് | kai-njaramp |
ജ്ഞ | jnja | JA, VIRAMA, NYA | ജ്ഞാനം | jnjaanam |
ഞ്ജ | njja | NYA, VIRAMA, JA | അഞ്ജനം | anjjanam |
t → ട് in consonant conjuncts
The letter 't' becomes 'ട' instead of the default 'റ്റ' in the following exception cases:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ട്ട | ttta | TTA, VIRAMA, TTA | വട്ടം | vatttam |
ണ്ട | Nta | NNA, VIRAMA, TTA | വെണ്ട | veNta |
ഷ്ട | shta | SSA, VIRAMA, TTA | ഇഷ്ടം | ishtam |
അർട | arta | CHILLU RR, VIRAMA, TTA | ആർട്സ് | Arts |
ട്ര | ttra | TTA, VIRAMA, RA | സ്ട്രീറ്റ് | street |
Contextual forms using 'r' and 'R'
Generally, 'r' favors 'ര', '്ര' and 'ർ', while 'R' favors 'റ' and 'ഋ'.
- 'r' becomes:
- 'ര' when a vowel follows it. Example: ri → രി
- 'ർ' in a standalone position or following a vowel. Example: kar → കർ
- '്ര' if between a consonant and a vowel. Example: kri → ക്രി
- If '്ര' is not viable for the given consonant, produce full 'ര'. Example: yra → യ്ര
- 'R' becomes:
- 'റ' before or after a vowel. AR → ആറ്; RA → റാ
- 'ഋ' in rest of the cases
- 'r' becomes 'ഋ', aiding minimum key shift-less input, when:
- Word initial position before a consonant. Example: rsha → ഋഷ
- Word ending position after a consonant. Example: thr → തൃ
- Between two consonants. Example: krma → കൃമ
- Except, when second consonant is യ. Example: nthrya → ന്ത്ര്യ
- 'rr' acts as 'R'.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ര | ra | RA | രണ്ട് | raNT |
കൃ | kr | KA, VOCALIC R | പിതൃ | pithr |
ക്ര | kra | KA, VIRAMA, RA | പ്രക്രിയ | prakriya |
ൽര | lra | CHILLU L, RA | അയൽരാജ്യം | ayalraajyam |
ന്ര | nra | NA, VIRAMA, RA | ന്രസ്ഥി | nrasthhi |
യ്ര | yra | YA, VIRAMA, ZWNJ, RA | കൊയ്രാള | koyraaLa |
കർ | kar | KA, CHILLU RR | വർഷം | varsham |
ർ | r | CHILLU RR | ർർർ | r-r-r |
ഋക | rka | VOCALIC R, KA | ഋതു | rthu |
കൃഗ | krga | KA, VOCALIC R, GA | പ്രവൃത്തി | pravrthti |
ക്ര്യ | krya | KA, VIRAMA, RA, VIRAMA, YA | സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യ | svaathanthrya |
റ | Ra | RRA | പറ | paRa |
കറ് | kaR | KA, CHILLU RR, VIRAMA | സാറ് | saaR |
കൃ | kR | KA, SIGN VOCALIC R | നിരൃതി | nirRthi |
ഋ | R | VOCALIC R | ഋഷി | Rshi |
ക്റ | kRa | KA, VIRAMA, RRA | എക്സ്റേ | exRE |
യ്റ | yRa | YA, VIRAMA, RA | കെയ്റോ | keyRO |
ൻറ | nRa | CHILLU N, RRA | എൻറോൾ | enROL |
കൃഗ | kRga | KA, VOCALIC R, GA | പ്രവൃത്തി | pravRthti |
കൃയ | kRya | KA, VOCALIC R, YA | നേതൃയോഗം | nEthRyOgam |
ഋക് | rk | VOCALIC R | ഋണം | rNam |
റ | rra | RRA | കറ | karra |
ക്റ | krra | KA, VIRAMA, RRA | നെഹ്റു | nehrru |
Extra elongation for vowel signs
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ആാ | aaa | AA, SIGN AA, SIGN AA | ||
കാാ | kaaa | KA, SIGN AA, SIGN AA | ||
ആാ | AA | AA, SIGN AA, SIGN AA | ||
കാാ | kAA | KA, SIGN AA, SIGN AA | ||
ഈൗ | iii | II, AU LENGTH MARK | ||
കീീ | kiii | KA, SIGN II, SIGN II | ||
ഈൗ | eee | II, AU LENGTH MARK | ||
കീീ | keee | KA, SIGN II, SIGN II | ||
ഈൗ | II | II, AU LENGTH MARK | ||
കീീ | kII | KA, SIGN II, SIGN II | ||
ഏേ | EE | EE, SIGN EE | ||
കേേ | kEE | KA, SIGN EE, SIGN EE | ||
ഊൗ | uuu | UU, AU LENGTH MARK | ||
കൂൂ | kuuu | KA, SIGN UU, SIGN UU | ||
ഊൗ | UU | UU, AU LENGTH MARK | ||
കൂൂ | kUU | KA, SIGN UU, SIGN UU | ||
ഊൗ | ooo | UU, AU LENGTH MARK | ||
കൂൂ | kooo | KA, SIGN UU, SIGN UU | ||
ഓാ | OO | AU, SIGN AA | ||
കോോ | kOO | KA, SIGN OO, SIGN OO | ||
ഔൗ | auu | AU, AU LENGTH MARK | ||
Consonant Cluster
Consonant Cluster in a word is the sequence of English letters representing more than one consonant. As an example, the word in Mozhi, 'svam' has the consonant cluster: 'sv' - for consonants 'sa' and 'va'. This definition is used in sections below.
Chillu or conjunct
A chillu-capable letter in a consonant cluster will not form a chillu if that cluster starts with the following sequence. (Please ignore the ending 'a' which is to show the cluster in its simplest form):
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ണ്ട | Nta | NNA, VIRAMA, TA | മണ്ട | maNta |
ണ്ഠ | NTha | NNA, VIRAMA, THA | കുണ്ഠിതം | kuNThitham |
ണ്ഡ | NDa | NNA, VIRAMA, DDA | പാണ്ഡു | paaNDu |
ണ്ഢ | NDha | NNA, VIRAMA, DDHA | ണ്ഢ | NDha |
ണ്ണ | NNa | NNA, VIRAMA, NNA | കണ്ണ് | kaNN |
ണ്മ | Nma | NNA, VIRAMA, MA | വെണ്മ | veNma |
ണ്യ | Nya | NNA, VIRAMA, YA | നാണ്യം | naaNyam |
ണ്വ | Nva | NNA, VIRAMA, VA | കണ്വൻ | kaNvan |
ന്ത | ntha | NA, VIRAMA, TA | തന്ത | thantha |
ന്ഥ | nthha | NA, VIRAMA, THA | പാന്ഥൻ | paanthhan |
ന്ദ | nda | NA, VIRAMA, DA | നന്ദി | nandi |
ന്ധ | ndha | NA, VIRAMA, DHA | അന്ധൻ | andhan |
ന്ന | nna | NA, VIRAMA, NA | പിന്നെ | pinne |
ന്മ | nma | NA, VIRAMA, MA | നന്മ | nanma |
ന്യ | nya | NA, VIRAMA, YA | അന്യം | anyam |
ന്ര | nra | NA, VIRAMA, RA | ന്രസ്ഥി | nrasthhi |
ന്വ | nva | NA, VIRAMA, VA | അന്വയം | anvayam |
മ്പ | mpa | MA, VIRAMA, PA | കമ്പം | kampam |
മ്മ | mma | MA, VIRAMA, MA | അമ്മ | amma |
മ്യ | mya | MA, VIRAMA, YA | രമ്യം | ramyam |
മ്ര | mra | MA, VIRAMA, RA | കമ്രം | kamram |
മ്ല | mla | MA, VIRAMA, LA | അമ്ലം | amlam |
മ്ള | mLa | MA, VIRAMA, LA | അമ്ളം | amLam |
ര്യ | rya | RA, VIRAMA, YA | ഭാര്യ | bhaarya |
ഋക | rka | VOCALIC R, KA | ഋഗ്വേദം | rgvaedam |
ല്പ | lpa | LA, VIRAMA, PA | അല്പം | alpam |
ല്യ | lya | LA, VIRAMA, YA | അഹല്യ | ahalya |
ല്ല | lla | LA, VIRAMA, LA | ഇല്ല | illa |
ള്യ | Lya | LLA, VIRAMA, YA | ജാള്യം | jaaLyam |
ള്ള | LLa | LLA, VIRAMA, LLA | ഉള്ള | uLLa |
Following examples are for more than two consonants in a consonant cluster:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ണ്ഡ്യ | NDya | NNA, VIRAMA, DDA, VIRAMA, YA | പാണ്ഡ്യൻ | paaNDyan |
ന്ത്ര്യ | nthrya | NA, VIRAMA, TA, VIRAMA, RA, VIRAMA, YA | സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യം | svaathanthryam |
If a consonant cluster starts as then consonant A will form chillu. Example:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ൽപ്പ | lppa | CHILLU L, PA, VIRAMA, PA | അൽപ്പം | alppam |
The 'മ്യ' and 'മ്ര' conjuncts are not formed if they follow 'സം'. Example:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
സംയ | samya | SA, ANUSVARA, YA | സംയോഗം | samyOgam |
സംര | samra | SA, ANUSVARA, RA | സംരംഭം | samrambham |
If 'മ്യ' and 'മ്ര' conjunct are required after 'സ', then please use '_' to make it the word initial consonant cluster. Examples:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
സമ്യ | sa-mya | SA, MA, VIRAMA, YA | സമ്യക് | sa-myak |
സമ്ര | sa-mra | SA, MA, VIRAMA, RA | സമ്രാട്ട് | sa-mraattt |
While writing 'ൻ്റ' conjunct by 'nt..' sequence, 'n' will produce Chillu-N as follows:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ൻ്റ | nta | CHILLU N, VIRAMA, RRA | എൻ്റെ | ente |
ൻറ | nrra | CHILLU N, RRA | എൻറോൾ | enrrOL |
Explicit Chandrakkala instead of Chillu
The '`' (back quote) character can be used to get chandrakkala form instead of a chillu form. It can produce chandakkala after U-sign as well. If '`' is placed between two consonants, it would insert a ZWNJ after the virama to make the chandrakkala explicit.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ന് | n` | NA, VIRAMA | അവന് | avan` |
ന് | n~ | NA, VIRAMA | അവന് | avan~ |
നു് | nu` | NA, SIGN U, VIRAMA | അവനു് | avanu` |
നു് | nu~ | NA, SIGN U, VIRAMA | അവനു് | avanu~ |
ൽമ | lma | CHILLU L, MA | വാൽമീകി | vaalmeeki |
ല്മ | l`ma | LA, VIRAMA, MA | വാല്മീകി | vaal`meeki |
മ്അ | m`a | MA, VIRAMA, A | മ്അദനി | m`adani |
Sometimes users type '`' even when it is not required at the word endings. Those '`'s are always consumed.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ത് | th | A, TA, VIRAMA | അത് | ath |
ത് | th` | A, TA, VIRAMA | അത് | ath` |
ത് | th~ | A, TA, VIRAMA | അത് | ath~ |
Stand-alone combining marks
The chandrakkala character '`' (back quote) in the word initial position can be used to get vowel signs without typing a base consonant.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
് | ` | VIRAMA | ||
് | ~ | VIRAMA | ||
ാ | `aa | SIGN AA | ||
ി | `i | SIGN I |
Separate two words without space
Use '-' (dash) to start a new sequence out of context from previously typed text. The same effect can be achieved by typing a space instead and then later removing it. This feature is useful for:
- Get chillu letter in contexts where it would otherwise form a conjunct with the following consonant. Example: 'nna' for ന്ന Vs 'n-na' for ൻന.
- Get a full vowel in-between a word
If just '-' alone is typed, then that will appear to the user and will be consumed only when the next character typed would behave differently if typed without a space before it. All vowel producing letters have above property. Examples:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ന്വ | nva | NA, VIRAMA, VA | അന്വയം | anvayam |
ൻവ | n-va | CHILLU N, VA | പൊൻവില | pon-vila |
ൻവ | n_va | CHILLU N, VA | പൊൻവില | pon_vila |
ങ്ക | nka | NGA, VIRAMA, KA | പങ്ക | panka |
ൻക | n-ka | CHILLU N, KA | ഇൻക | in-ka |
ൻ- | n- | CHILLU N, - | പൊൻ- | pon- |
ൻ_ | n_ | CHILLU N, - | പൊൻ_ | pon_ |
ൻ-ഡ | n-Da | CHILLU N, -, DDA | ആൻ-ഡ് | An-D |
ൾ്ക | L-`ka | CHILLU LL, VIRAMA, KA | ൾ്ക | L-`ka |
Archaic letters
To get the archaic form of a letter, please use the symbol '#' following it. Even more archaic form is given out by repeating it - example: '##'. In the table below an archaic character is represented by its codepoint, if it is not available in the latest version of Noto Sans Malayalam font.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
അ# | ഽ | a# | AVAGRAHA | അസോഽസൗ |
ഇ# | ൟ | ii# | ARCHAIC II | ൟറ |
ഋ# | ൠ | R# | VOCALIC RR | ൠന്ന് |
കൃ# | കൄ | kR# | SIGN VOCALIC RR | കൄന്ന് |
ക്# | ൿ | k# | CHILLU K | ആമ്പിൿ |
റ്റ്# | ററ് | t# | RRA, RRA, VIRAMA | അററം |
റ്റ# | ററ | ta# | RRA, RRA | അററം |
ററ്# | ഺ് | t## | TTTA | അഺ |
ററ# | ഺ | ta## | TTTA | അഺ |
ൻ്റ്# | ൻറ് | nt# | CHILLU N, RRA | എൻെറ |
ൻ# | ഩ് | n# | NNNA | അഩ |
ന# | ഩ | na# | NNNA | അഩ |
നു# | ൹ | nu# | DATE MARK | 9-൹ |
ം# | ൔ | m# | CHILLU M | |
ൔ# | ഀ | m## | ANUSVARA ABOVE | |
ഀ# | ഁ | m### | CANDRABINDU | |
ഁ# | ഄ | m#### | VEDIC ANUSVARA | |
ഄ# | ം | m##### | ANUSVARA | |
യ്# | ൕ | y# | CHILLU Y | |
ഴ്# | ൖ | zh# | CHILLU LLL | |
ക്# | ൿ | k# | CHILLU K | |
ർ# | ൎ | r# | DOT REPH | ഭാൎയ്യ |
₹# | ₨ | $# | RUPEE SIGN | ₨10 |
പറ# | ൏ | parra# | PARA SIGN | |
ൽ# | ഌ | l# | VOCALIC L | ഌകാരം |
ക്ല്# | കൢ | kl# | KA, SIGN VOCALIC L | കൢപ്തം |
ഌl | ൡ | l#l | VOCALIC LL | ൡതം |
കൢl | കൣ | kl#l | KA, SIGN VOCALIC LL | കൣതം |
കൗ# | കൌ | kau# | KA, SIGN AU | കൌതുകം |
ൻ്രറ്യൗ# | ൻ്രെറ്യൗ | nt#ryau# | CHILLU N, VIRAMA, RA, SIGN E, RRA, VIRAMA, YA, AU LENGTH MARK | |
ൻ്രററ്യൗ# | ൻ്രെററ്യൗ | nt##ryau# | CHILLU N, VIRAMA, RA, SIGN E, RRA, RRA, VIRAMA, YA, AU LENGTH MARK | |
യ്യ | yy#a | YA, ZWJ, VIRAMA, YA | ||
യ്യ | yya# | YA, ZWJ, VIRAMA, YA | ||
്# | ഼ | `# | CIRCLE ABOVE VIRAMA | |
഼# | ഻ | `## | VERTICAL BAR VIRAMA | |
഻# | ് | `### | VIRAMA | |
൧ | 1# | ONE | ||
൰ | 10# | TEN | ||
൱ | 100# | HUNDRED | ||
൲ | 1000# | THOUSAND | ||
൴ | 1/2# | ONE HALF | ||
൳ | 1/4# | ONE QUARTER | ||
൵ | 3/4# | THREE QUARTERS | ||
൷ | 1/8# | ONE EIGHTH | ||
൶ | 1/16# | ONE SIXTEENTH | ||
൸ | 3/16# | THREE SIXTEENTHS | ||
൞ | 1/5# | ONE FIFTH | ||
൜ | 1/10# | ONE TENTH | ||
൛ | 1/20# | ONE TWENTIETH | ||
൝ | 3/20# | THREE TWENTIETHS | ||
൙ | 1/40# | ONE FORTIETH | ||
മ | 1/80# | ONE EIGHTIETH | ||
൚ | 3/80# | THREE EIGHTIETHS | ||
Digits after a Malayalam digit will be a converted to Malayalam digit.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
൧൨൩ | 1#23 | ONE, TWO, THREE | ||
൧൦# | ൰ | 1#0# | TEN | |
൧൦൦# | ൱ | 1#00# | HUNDRED | |
൧൦൦൦# | ൲ | 1#000# | THOUSAND | ൨൲൩൱൪൰൫ |
Escape by word
Transliteration is not attempted if it is preceded by ''.
Keys after an English letter will be kept as it is. Along with English letters, it is continued for the following special characters: . : / @. When any of the rest of the special characters including space is entered, escaping is broken and transliteration will be continued. Examples:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
` | \` | |||
a | \a | ഒരു cat വന്നു | oru \cat vannu | | എന്ന | \ enna | |||ൽ | \ |
Legacy encoding
Chillu sequences mentioned in Unicode standard before its version 5.1 are produced by adding '^' after the standard chillu-letter.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ൻ^ | ന് | n^ | NA, VIRAMA, ZWJ | മോഹന്ലാല് |
There are multiple legacy encoding for ൻ്റ. The sequence generated by SMC tools are available by '^' and that supported primarily by Microsoft can be indicated by '^^'.
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ൻ്റ്^ | ന്റ് | nt^ | NA, VIRAMA, RRA, VIRAMA | എന്റെ |
ൻ്റ^ | ന്റ | nta^ | NA, VIRAMA, RRA | എന്റർ |
ന്റ്^ | ന്റ് | nt^^ | NA, VIRAMA, ZWJ, RRA, VIRAMA | എന്റെ |
ന്റ^ | ന്റ | nta^^ | NA, VIRAMA, ZWJ, RRA | എന്റർ |
Explicit joiners can be typed as follows:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
U+200D | ++ | ZERO WIDTH JOINER | ന് | n`++ |
U+200B |
On backspace, use the OS's backspace(⌫) operation. However, next key would use the context of the existing input. Example:
Malayalam | Mozhi | Unicode Character(s) | Malayalam Example | Mozhi Example |
ന്ന | nna | NA, VIRAMA, NA | ||
ൻ | nna⌫ | CHILLU N | ||
ങ്ക | nna⌫ka | NGA, VIRAMA, KA |
Useful symbols and emojis
Following mapping does not have anything to do with Malayalam; however, these are found to be useful to have in a keyboard:
Output | Keystroke |
— | -- |
→ | -> |
← | <- |
<-> |
⇒ | => |
⇐ | <= |
⇔ | <=> |
:) |
:D |
XD |
:') |
:P |
;) |
:x |
:* |
B) |
:/ |
>:) |
>:( |
:O |
O_o |
:| |
:( |
:S |
:'( |
|O |
/| |
\o/ |
^, |
<3 |
Mozhi 2.0 Spec
For more information and a complete coverage of characters supported along with the keystrokes, please visit the online Mozhi 2.0 Spec.
All Documentation Versions
- Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help 3.2.6
- Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help 3.2.5
- Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help 3.2.4
- Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help 3.2.3
- Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help 3.2.2
- Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help 3.2
- Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help 2.1
- Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help 1.2.1
- Mozhi Malayalam Keyboard Help 1.2