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Rawang Keyboard Help

This keyboard is intended for the Rawang language of Myanmar and India. The keyboard is designed to be used with a standard (QWERTY) keyboard.

Keyboard Layout

Typing Instructions

This keyboard is designed to work like a standard (QWERTY) keyboard. Tones (accents) in this keyboard are typed after the letter.

To type a high tone (acute accent), use [. Type after a,e,i,o,u,v,ø,g,A,E,I,O,U,V,Ø,G.

Example: For á, type a[.

Example: Also, for ġ, type g[.

To type a middle tone (macron accent), use ]. Type after a,e,i,o,u,v,ø,g,A,E,I,O,U,V,Ø,G.

Example: For ū, type u].

To type a low tone (grave accent), use /. Type after a,e,i,o,u,v,ø,s,A,E,I,O,U,V,Ø,S.

Example: For ù, type u/.

Example: Also, for š, type s/.

Typing a high tone immediately after a low tone or a low tone after a high tone will switch the tone on a vowel.

Example: After O[, type / to turn Ó into Ò.

Example: After v/, type [ to turn into .

To type a hat, use ^. Type after a,e,i,o,u,v,ø,A,E,I,O,U,V,Ø.

Example: For û, type u^.

To type a caron, use \. Type after a,e,i,o,u,v,ø,A,E,I,O,U,V,Ø.

Example: For ǔ, type u\.

To type a tilde, use `. Type after a,e,i,o,u,v,ø,A,E,I,O,U,V,Ø.

Example: For ũ, type u`.

To type the vowel ø, use the ; key.

Example: For ø, type ;.

Example: For Ø, type :.

You can also type the special characters /, [, <, and > with this keyboard.

For /, type [RALT /].

For [, type [RALT [].

For <, type [RALT ,].

For >, type [RALT .].

Desktop Keyboard Layout

Mobile/Tablet Keyboard Layout

High, low, and middle tones are available on long presses for keys: (a, e, i, o, u, v, ø) Press and hold on the key with a little dot on the top right to reveal and use them.

Numerals are available as longpresses on the top row of keys

More punctuation are available as longpresses on the period key

rawang Gesture Table

Gestures for the Mobile Keyboard layers are described in Rawang gesture tables

All Documentation Versions

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