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Shebek Keyboard Help

This keyboard is designed for typing Shebek in the Arabic script. The orthography is still in development. Some characters from a standard Arabic keyboard that are not required by Shebek have been added to the right-alt keyboard layers.

The font distributed with this keyboard is named Scheherazade New Kurd. It has specific glyph variants for Kurdish languages.

Desktop Keyboard Layout

There are a few keys which are only available through two keystrokes:

  • SHIFT+M produces ‘, and pressing SHIFT+M a second time will produce “
  • SHIFT+U produces ’, and pressing SHIFT+U a second time will produce ”

Mobile/Tablet Keyboard Layout

Due to the size and number of keys, some characters are hidden in the long press. Press and hold on the key with a little dot on the top right to reveal and use them.

The left and right arrows produce LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK (LRM) and RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK (RLM)characters.

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