SIL Sahu Keyboard Help
The SIL Sahu Keyman Keyboard Package
The SIL Sahu keyboard is a Latin script keyboard that uses the SIL Charis font.
This keyboard layout is designed for the Sahu language in Indonesia.
Implosive characters are marked with the combining macron below ' ̱ ' (U+0331)
The '~' key is also used as modifier
Desktop Keyboard
For desktop keyboards, type the following to get the combining macron below:
- bb → ḇ
- dd → ḏ
- gg → g̱
- jj → j̱
- BB → Ḇ
- DD → Ḏ
- GG → G̱
- JJ → J̱
The '~' key can be used to type the following combinations:
- a~ → ɶ
- b~ → ɓ
- c~ → ʦ
- d~ → ɗ
- e~ → ɛ
- g~ → ɠ
- i~ → ɨ
- j~ → ʥ
- n~ → ŋ
- o~ → ɔ
- s~ → ʧ
- u~ → ʊ
- y~ → ɲ
- ?~ → ʡ
Touch Keyboard
The touch layout keyboard adds longpress keys to the desktop base key combinations.
A glottal-stop marker ' is added to the default layer.
ʡ is accessible from a longpress on the period '.' key.