taichow Keyboard Help
taichow keyboard for romanized goetian Ng-Yüih-Nyü.台州蘇州寧波吳越語羅馬字輸入法
typing specific letters by doubletapping and combination 雙擊咾字母組合輸入特殊字母
examples: oo > ô, oe > ö, uu > ü, ae > æ, aw > ă, aa > ă, uw > ŭ
adding aspiration marks "‛" by adding h after consonants 垃拉輔音後頭輸入h字母,添加送氣音符號"‛"
examples: ph > p‛, th > t‛, kh > k‛, tsh > ts‛, ch > c‛, kwh > kw‛, hh > ‛, kyh > ky‛, kwh > kw‛, khy > ky‛, khw > kw‛, gh > ‛
Typing 'gh', to generate voiced sound h "‛", 輸入gh,產生濁音h "‛"
examples: gh > ‛
Typing 'h' after 'l''m''n', to generate voiced sound 'l̆''m̆''ň', 垃拉輔音lmn後頭輸入h,產生濁音"l̆""m̆""ň"
examples: lh > l̆, mh > m̆, nh > n̆
Typing 'w' twice, to generate un-voiced sound 'w̆', 雙擊w,產生清音"w̆"
examples: ww > w̆
typing rising and falling tone marks by adding "r" "q" and "x" 通過添加字母r、q咾x輸入上聲咾去聲音調符號
examples: aq > á, ax > à.
automatically generate ông and w̆ by typing in Wu association romanization 使用吳語協會拼音輸入方式,自動產生ông咾w̆
examples: aon > ông, ua > w̆a.
automatically predict “yi” combinatiön 自動預知“yi”搭配
examples: ki > kyi, ni > nyi.
cancelling letter tranformation and tone marks by typing the tranformation key again
examples: aqq > aq, axx > ax, ooo > oo.
phonology of taichownese台州話音韻表
Ningbo Romanization Dictionary寧波羅馬字字典
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