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Taigi Viet Telex Keyboard Help

Taigi Viet Telex for Tâi-gí (Taiwanese) pe̍h-ōe-jī. 台語越式telex 會當拍台語白話字

Taigi Viet Telex version, is using "sfjxv" keys for generating tone marks

台語越式telex版本,佇咧元音字母後爿抑是佇咧每一個音節後爿添字母‘s’ ‘f’ ‘w’ ‘j’佮‘v’ 去生成音調

佮數字音調表示方法ê相應規則 rules:

2=s, 3=f, 5=w, 7=x, 8=x, 9=v

例 examples:

as > á, af= > à, aj > ā, aw > â, ahj > a̍h, av > ă


aa > â, ee > ê, uu > û, ii > î, x > chh

特別ê字母specific letters:

nn > ⁿ , oo > o͘

拍兩次字母,取消音調,產生原本ê字母 doubletaping leads to generate original letters:

例example: fijj > fij, kannn > kann, laww > law, beee > bee

Desktop Keyboard Layout

Mobile/Tablet Keyboard Layout

Due to the size and number of keys, some characters are hidden in the long press. Press and hold on the key with a little dot on the top right to reveal and use them.

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