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ThompsonU Keyboard Help

How To Type nɬeʔkèpmxcín (Thompson River Salish)

This package installs the ThompsonU keyboard on your computer. It also installs the Charis SIL font, a font that has all the characters needed for nɬeʔkèpmxcín. A Windows font that has almost all the needed characters is Lucida Sans Unicode. Select one of these fonts when entering data in your word processor.

This page explains how to:
Type a reassigned key
Restore a reassigned key
Type stressed vowels
Type glottalized or laryngealized consonants
Type • (bullet)
Type rounded consonants
Type rounded and glottalized consonants

When the ThompsonU keyboard is selected, the keys shown in the grey row are reassigned to nɬeʔkèpmxcín letter symbols as shown in the white row:


The following keys are also reassigned to punctuation or other non-letter symbols as follows:  
Note: the shorth double hyphen shows correctly in the Charis SIL font, but may not in other Unicode fonts.

To restore any of the reassigned keys without exiting the ThompsonU keyboard, type a zero (0) followed by the wanted key:  

To obtain an accented vowel, type the vowel as shown in the gray row followed by / or \ to get the acute or grave vowel shown in the white row:  

Glottalized or laryngealized consonant are obtained typing the consonant key followed by the apostrophe:

Sub-dotted consonants and vowels are obtained by typing a period followed by the consonant or vowel symbol as shown:

Sub-dotted vowels with acute stress are obtained by typing a period followed by the vowel symbol and /:

Sub-dotted vowels with grave stress are obtained by typing a period followed by the vowel symbol and \:

A bullet (•) is obtained by typing H (capital H) followed by : (colon):

Rounded consonants are obtained typing the consonant key followed by W (capital W):

Glottalized and rounded consonants are obtained typing the consonant followed by the apostrophe and the capital W:

Note: When the cursor is over any of the symbols (or symbol sequences) in the white rows, their Unicode values are displayed.

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