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kmc-model package

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kmc-model package


Class Description
LexicalModelCompiler Compiles a .model.ts file to a .model.js. The compiler does not read or write from filesystem or network directly, but relies on callbacks for all external IO.


Interface Description
LexicalModelCompilerArtifacts Internal in-memory build artifacts from a successful compilation
LexicalModelCompilerResult Build artifacts from the lexical model compiler
LexicalModelSource Base interface for a lexical model source definition

Keyman 14.0+ word breaker specification:

Can support all old word breaking specification, but can also be extended with options.


Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
CasedWordformToKeySpec Simplifies input text to facilitate finding entries within a lexical model's lexicon, using the model's applyCasing function to assist in the keying process. 14.0

Simplified word breaker specification.


SimpleWordformToKeySpec Simplifies input text to facilitate finding entries within a lexical model's lexicon. 11.0
WordformToKeySpec Simplifies input text to facilitate finding entries within a lexical model's lexicon.