Keyboard Support

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kmc command line reference

kmc is the command line compiler toolset for Keyman 17.0. In Keyman Developer, it is located in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Keyman\Keyman Developer. kmc is also available as an npm module for Windows, macOS and Linux developers:

npm install -g @keymanapp/kmc

kmc does more than just compile keyboards. It builds packages, lexical models, projects, keyboards, Windows installers, and more. It provides analysis tools for keyboard data.

kmc will be extended to generate new keyboard and lexical model projects, support renaming or cloning of existing projects, importing keyboard data from other formats, and running keyboard unit tests.

kmc replaces kmcomp from earlier versions of Keyman Developer.

The following parameters are available:

kmc commands

kmc build [infile...], kmc build file [infile...]

Compile one or more Keyman files. Takes Keyman keyboard source files, and compiles them into the binary formats used by the Keyman apps. Supports building:

  • Keyman projects (.kpj or folder)
  • Keyman keyboards (.kmn)
  • LDML keyboards (.xml)
  • Keyboard packages - bundles of keyboard files, fonts, documentation for distribution (.kps)
  • Lexical models (.model.ts)

The file subcommand is the default command for kmc build, so can be omitted.

File lists can be referenced with @filelist.txt. If no input file is supplied, kmc will attempt to build a project file in the current folder.

kmc build ldml-test-data

Converts LDML keyboard test .xml file to .json.

kmc build windows-package-installer

Builds a .exe installer for a keyboard, together with the Keyman installer, for Windows only.

kmc analyze osk-char-use [infile...]

Analyze on screen keyboard files for character usage

kmc analyze osk-rewrite-from-char-use -m mapping-file [infile...]

Rewrites On Screen Keyboard files from source mapping

kmc message [message...]

Describes one or more compiler messages in greater detail

kmc global options

-h, --help

Display help on kmc; note that kmc --help can be used for further detail on subcommands, e.g. kmc build --help

-V, --version

Prints the version number of kmc

--no-error-reporting, --error-reporting

Enable or disable error reporting to, overriding user settings. Error reporting is for fatal errors in the compiler, and not errors in compiled files. No user data is sent in error reports, although some filenames and paths may be present in the diagnostic data attached to the report.

-l <logLevel>, --log-level <logLevel>

Controls the level of logging to console for messages relating to the compilation process. The options are:

  • silent: suppresses all messages (except fatal internal errors)
  • error: only emits compilation errors
  • warn: only emits compilation errors and warnings
  • hint: emits compilation errors, warnings, and hints
  • info (default): emits compilation errors, warnings, hints, and informational messages
  • debug: emits all compilation messages, plus internal debug messages

Logging of specific messages can be controlled with --message, -m.

Note that when warnings are treated as errors (--compiler-warnings-as-errors, -w), they will still be logged as warnings, so suppressing warnings while using this flag may be confusing.

kmc build options

--color, --no-color

Controls colorization for log messages, using ANSI color controls. If both of these settings are omitted, kmc will attempt to detect from console, and will use colorization for interactive terminals, and no colorization when redirection is being used.

-d, --debug

Include debug information in output files. Debug information is used for interactive debugging of .kmx files within the Keyman Developer IDE. This flag also produces pretty printed .js files for web keyboards, making interactive debugging of web keyboards simpler.

-w, --compiler-warnings-as-errors vs -W, --no-compiler-warnings-as-errors

Controls whether or not warnings fail the build; overrides project-level warnings-as-errors option. Most compiler warnings are an indication that something is not right in the source code, even though the compiler can produce a result. This strict compilation mode helps to ensure that problems are caught early, and is recommended.

-m <number>, --message <number>

Adjusts the severity of info, hint or warning messages. Error and fatal error messages can not be adjusted. Message severity can be adjusted to:

  • disable (default): suppresses the message altogether
  • info: converts the message to an informational severity
  • hint: converts the message to a hint severity
  • warn: converts the message to a warning severity
  • error: raises the message to an error severity

This may be used to suppress a warning message that would otherwise fail the build, if used in conjunction with -w, --compiler-warnings-as-errors

This option may be repeated to adjust multiple messages. The -m option must be specified each time.


Excludes compiler version metadata from output. This is helpful for producing files that will be identical regardless of the compiler version, for regression testing.


Turns off warnings (CWARN_HeaderStatementIsDeprecated, CWARN_LanguageHeadersDeprecatedInKeyman10) for deprecated code styles

--log-format <logFormat>

Output log format. The available options are:

  • formatted (default): emits log messages in a human-readable format
  • tsv: emits log messages in UTF-8 tab-separated format. This format will be stable across versions of kmc. The format has the following fields:
  • filename
  • line number
  • severity
  • code
  • message
-o <filename>, --out-file <filename>

Overrides the default path and filename for the output file(s). Note that some compilers emit multiple files, in which case, the output filenames will vary by file extension.

kmc build file additional options


Verifies that project meets @keymanapp repository requirements. This also causes a .keyboard-info or .model-info file to be emitted when compiling the project (which can also be controlled at a project level with the skipMetadataFiles option). This option is only valid for compiling projects.


kmc build project.kpj

Compile all components of a keyboard or model project named project.kpj. kmc will respect the path settings within the project file. This is the recommended way to build, as it will build keyboards, models and packages all in one step. You can also call kmc build <folder> to build the project in the referenced folder, e.g. kmc build ..

kmc build keyboard.kmn

Compile a keyboard file to a .kmx (desktop targets) and/or .js (web/touch targets). If an output file is not specified, writes to the same folder as the keyboard.

kmc build package.kps

Compile a package file to a .kmp (all targets). All included keyboards must already be compiled.

kmc build windows-package-installer additional options

--msi <msiFilename>

Full path of keymandesktop.msi to bundle into the installer. This file can be downloaded from (/version).

--exe <exeFilename>

Location of setup.exe. This file can be downloaded from (/version).

--license <licenseFilename>

Location of license.txt for Keyman for Windows.

--title-image [titleImageFilename]

Location of title image file. This should be a .png, .jpg, or .bmp file which replaces the standard 'Keyman for Windows' image in the bootstrap installer.

--app-name [applicationName]

Installer property: name of the application to be installed (default: "Keyman")


Installer property: do not enable keyboards after installation completes


Installer property: start Keyman Configuration after installation completes


Windows, command prompt (all one line)

kmc build windows-package-installer .\khmer_angkor.kps
  --msi "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Keyman\Cached Installer Files\keymandesktop.msi"
  --exe .\setup-redist.exe --license .\ --out-file .\khmer.exe

Bash (Linux, WSL, macOS, etc)

kmc build windows-package-installer \
  ./khmer_angkor/source/khmer_angkor.kps \
  --msi ./redist/keymandesktop.msi \
  --exe ./redist/setup-redist.exe \
  --license ./redist/ \
  --out-file ./khmer.exe

Note: paths shown above may vary.

kmc analyze osk-char-use options

-b, --base

First PUA codepoint to use, in hexadecimal (default F100)


Include number of times each character is referenced (default: false)


Strip U+25CC (dotted circle base) from results (default: false)

-m, --mapping-file <filename>

Result file to write to (.json, .md, or .txt)

For more information on the purpose of analyze osk-char-use and analyze rewrite-osk-from-char-use, see &displayMap.

kmc analyze osk-rewrite-from-char-use options

-m, --mapping-file <filename>

JSON mapping file to read from.

For more information on the purpose of analyze osk-char-use and analyze rewrite-osk-from-char-use, see &displayMap.

kmc message options

One or more message identifiers can be specified for text or json formats.

Message identifiers are 5 hex digit codes, optonally preceded by KM, for example KM02001.

For Markdown format, all messages are always emitted, to out-path, and no messages can be specified on the command line, with one file per message, and index files also generated. The Markdown mode is used to generate the online documentation on

-f, --format <format>

Output format, one of:

  • text: plain text output to console or file, of specified messages
  • json: JSON formatted to console or file, of specified messages
  • markdown: Markdown formatted text output, to a folder, of all messages
-o, --out-path <out-path>

Output folder name for Markdown format (required for Markdown), or optional output filename for text and json formats.

-a, --all-messages

Emit descriptions for all messages (text, json formats)