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kmc-package package

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kmc-package package


Class Description
KmpCompiler Compiles a .kps file to a .kmp archive. The compiler does not read or write from filesystem or network directly, but relies on callbacks for all external IO.
WindowsPackageInstallerCompiler Compiles a .kps file to a .exe installer. The compiler does not read or write from filesystem or network directly, but relies on callbacks for all external IO.


Interface Description
KmpCompilerArtifacts Internal in-memory build artifacts from a successful compilation
KmpCompilerOptions Options for the .kps compiler
KmpCompilerResult Build artifacts from the .kps compiler
WindowsPackageInstallerCompilerArtifacts Internal in-memory build artifacts from a successful compilation
WindowsPackageInstallerCompilerOptions Options for the .kps Windows package installer compiler
WindowsPackageInstallerCompilerResult Build artifacts from the .kps Windows package installer compiler
WindowsPackageInstallerSources Sources and metadata for the Windows package installer compiler