Keyboard Support

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API object - Keyboard

The Keyboard object contains the following members:

`name` : `string` : Name of keyboard `id` : `string` : ID of the keyboard, always matches the filename of the keyboard. `filename` : `string` : Name of the keyboard .js file which should be combined with [`options.keyboardBaseUri`](index#obj-options). `default` : `boolean` optional : `true` if the keyboard is the recommended default for the language. `false` if absent. `rtl` : `boolean` optional : `true` if the keyboard targets a right-to-left script. `false` if absent. `lastModified` : `string|number` : Date the keyboard was last updated. `fileSize` : `number` : Size of the keyboard file, in bytes. `minVersion` : `string` optional : Minimum build version of KeymanWeb that the keyboard will work with. `maxVersion` : `string` optional : Maximum build version of KeymanWeb that the keyboard will work with. `languages` : `Array` optional : An array of [`Language`](obj-language) objects linked to the keyboard. `font` : `Object` optional : [`Font`](obj-font) object describing font for input fields (and OSK, if `oskFont` is not present). Only present when a `Keyboard` object is a child of a `Language` object. `oskFont` : `Object` optional : [`Font`](obj-font) object describing font for the OSK. Only present when a `Keyboard` object is a child of a `Language` object. `example` : `Object` optional : [`Example`](obj-example) object. Only present when a `Keyboard` object is the child of a `Language` object.

Example case

The following is extracted from

"keyboard": {
  "id":           "hebrew",
  "name":         "Hebrew",
  "filename":     "hebrew.js",
  "lastModified": "2016-06-17T07:51:52+10:00",
  "rtl":          true,
  "languages":    [
    "id":             "heb",
    "name":           "Hebrew",