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Step 6: Customising user interface files

In the Branding Editor, click the Config UI tab.

This page lists a number of files that relate to the Keyman Desktop User Interface. Nearly all the user interface in Keyman Desktop is defined as XML/XSLT, which renders to a HTML file for display. The HTML renderer used in Keyman Desktop is Internet Explorer 5.5 or later.

Editing these files will take some HTML code experience. Tavultesoft also provide a customisation service where we will create the user interface files for you, to your specification. Contact Tavultesoft Sales for more information.

The majority of dialogs in the Keyman Desktop user interface are represented by a single XSL file. The exception is the Keyman Desktop Configuration main dialog, which is represented by keyman.xsl and the keyman_*.xsl files. Each of the dialogs also uses the elements.xsl for common design elements. Each of these templates is required for the Keyman Desktop user interface. You will need to add any external images that you reference in your XSL templates to the Branding source file, with the Import button.

You can preview your dialog design by clicking the Test Page button for any of the XSL templates.