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HOWTO: Run Debugging in Keyman Desktop

Keyman Support may ask you to run debugging in Keyman Desktop or Keyman Developer. The debug report assists us in resolving complex support issues. Please follow the steps below to generate the debug report.

Everything you type or click on your computer while running debugging will be visible (including passwords) when we review the debug files. We strongly recommend only running debugging during the test, and immediately turning it off after the test is finished.

  1. Start Keyman Configuration.
  2. Select the Options tab.
  3. Tick 'Debugging' and click OK to confirm.
  4. Exit Keyman Desktop and Keyman Developer, if they are running, as well as any application where you need to demonstrate the problem.
  5. Restart Keyman Desktop and the target application.
  6. Demonstrate the problem you are having.
  7. After the problem is sufficiently demonstrated, exit Keyman Desktop.
  8. Open Keyman Configuration, and untick 'Debugging' from the Options tab.
  9. Click the Windows Search box, and type "%localappdata%\keyman\diag" and press enter.
  10. Send us a copy of your debug file(s). You'll find them, in the folder above, named system##.etl or system##.log (where ## is a number).
  11. Please include notes to us about the issue, including what you typed, what output you expected to get (if possible!), and the results you actually received.

NOTE: Please only perform send Keyman Support a log file if we request it. We don't have the resources to review unsolicited log files!

Applies to:

  • Keyman for Windows 14.0+
  • Keyman Desktop 10.0 - 13.0
  • Keyman Developer 10.0+