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LdmlKeyboardCompiler class

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LdmlKeyboardCompiler class

Compiles a LDML keyboard .xml file to a .kmx (KMXPlus), .kvk, and/or .js. The compiler does not read or write from filesystem or network directly, but relies on callbacks for all external IO.


export declare class LdmlKeyboardCompiler implements KeymanCompiler 

Implements: KeymanCompiler


Method Modifiers Description
init(callbacks, options) Initialize the compiler, including loading the WASM host for uset parsing. Copies options.
run(inputFilename, outputFilename) Compiles a LDML keyboard .xml file to .kmx, .kvk, and/or .js files. Returns an object containing binary artifacts on success. The files are passed in by name, and the compiler will use callbacks as passed to the LdmlKeyboardCompiler.init() function to read any input files by disk.

Write artifacts from a successful compile to disk, via callbacks methods. The artifacts written may include:

- .kmx file - binary keyboard used by Keyman on desktop platforms - .kvk file - binary on screen keyboard used by Keyman on desktop platforms - .js file - Javascript keyboard for web and touch platforms