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AnalyzeOskRewritePua class

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AnalyzeOskRewritePua class

Rewrite On Screen Keyboard files (.kvks, .keyman-touch-layout) with PUA codepoints, based on analysis provided by AnalyzeOskCharacterUse class.


export declare class AnalyzeOskRewritePua 


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(callbacks) Constructs a new instance of the AnalyzeOskRewritePua class


Property Modifiers Type Description
data readonly { [index: string]: Uint8Array; } Returns the file data for OSK files rewritten with PUA characters, for use with &displayMap.


Method Modifiers Description
analyze(file, mapping) Analyze a keyboard file or files, and provide a remapped output. Accepts a .kmn, .kvks, .keyman-touch-layout file formats. For .kmn, will rewrite associated On Screen Keyboard file formats. Can be called multiple times to rewrite multiple files. Use the property to retrieve the output file content for writing. This does not modify the source file.
clear() Clears data collected from previous calls to AnalyzeOskRewritePua.analyze()