Keyboard Support

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Version 19.0Version 18.0Version 17.0 (current version)Version 16.0Version 15.0Version 14.0

On this page

You are viewing an old version of this documentation. Click here to open the current version, 17.0.

Does Keyman include adware or spyware?


We never have and never will include adware or spyware components. Keyman does contact the website periodically to check for updates for both Keyman and the keyboards you have installed. In this process, the only information communicated is the current version of Keyman and the version of the keyboards. You can switch this option off in Keyman Configuration.

Get involved with the Keyman Project

Keyman is a free and open source software project. Continued development of Keyman depends on the generosity of you, our users. There are many ways in which you can get involved; keep reading to find the best way you can be a part of the journey: