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KMManager class


The KMManager class provides methods for controlling Keyman Engine




The KMManager is the core class which provides most of the methods and constants you will need to develop your apps with Keyman Engine


addKeyboard() : adds a keyboard into the keyboards list

addKeyboardDownloadEventListener() : adds the specified listener into the list of keyboard download event listeners

addKeyboardEventListener() : adds the specified listener into the list of keyboard event listeners

addLexicalModel() : adds a lexical model into the lexical models list

advanceToNextInputMode() : switch to the next system keyboard input mode

advanceToPreviousInputMethod() : switch to the previous system keyboard input mode

applyKeyboardHeight() : sets the height of keyboard frame

canAddNewKeyboard() : returns whether adding a new keyboard is enabled, like in the keyboard picker menu

canRemoveKeyboard() : returns whether removing a keyboard is enabled, like in the keyboard picker menu

copyHTMLBannerAssets() : copies a folder of HTML banner assets so it's available for your keyboard app's resources

createInputView() : creates the input view to be used in InputMethodService

deregisterLexicalModel() : deregisters the specified lexical model from the LMLayer so it isn't used

executeHardwareKeystroke() : process the keystroke generated from a physical keyboard

getAssociatedLexicalModel() : search the installed lexical models list and see if there's an associated model for a given language

getBannerHeight() : returns the height of the suggestion banner

getCurrentKeyboardIndex() : returns index number of the current keyboard in keyboards list

getCurrentKeyboardInfo() : returns information dictionary of the current keyboard

getDefaultKeyboard() : returns the keyboard information for the fallback keyboard

getFontTypeface() : creates a new typeface from the specified font filename

getGlobeKeyAction() : returns the action type of the 'Globe' key

getHapticFeedback() : returns whether the device vibrates as the user types

getKeyboardFontFilename() (Deprecated) : use getKeyboardTextFontFilename or getKeyboardOskFontFilename instead

getKeyboardFontTypeface() (Deprecated) : use getKeyboardTextFontTypeface or getKeyboardOskFontTypeface instead

getKeyboardHeight() : returns the height of the keyboard frame

getKeyboardIndex() : returns index number of the specified keyboard in keyboards list

getKeyboardInfo() : returns information dictionary of the specified keyboard

getKeyboardsList() : returns the array of keyboards list

getKeyboardOskFontFilename() : returns the selected keyboard's OSK font filename

getKeyboardOskFontTypeface() : creates a new typeface from the selected keyboard's OSK font

getKeyboardState() : returns the specified keyboard's state

getKeyboardTextFontFilename() : returns the selected keyboard's text font filename

getKeyboardTextFontTypeface() : creates a new typeface from the selected keyboard's text font

getKMKeyboard() : returns the KMKeyboard depending whether it's an in-app or system keyboard

getLatestKeyboardFileVersion() : returns the specified keyboard's latest file version number

getLexicalModelInfo() : returns dictionary information of the specified lexical model

getLexicalModelsList() : returns the array of lexical models list

getLanguageCorrectionPreferenceKey() : returns a String to use as a shared preference key to store whether the LMLayer should enable corrections for a given language

getLanguagePredictionPreferenceKey() : returns a String to use as a shared preference key to store whether the LMLayer should enable suggestions for a given language.

getLongpressDelay() : returns from stored preference the number of milliseconds to trigger a longpress gesture

getMaySendCrashReport() : returns whether Keyman Engine is allowed to send crash reports over the network to

getOrientation() : returns the device's current orientation (Portrait vs Landscape)

getSpacebarText() : returns the current text display pattern for the spacebar

getVersion() : returns the version number of Keyman Engine

getWindowDensity() : returns the density of the window

getWindowSize() : returns the size of an area the window would occupy

hasConnection() : returns whether the device has active network connection

hideSystemKeyboard() : hides the system OSK

initialize() : initializes the Keyman manager

isDebugMode() : returns whether debugging of Keyman Engine is enabled

isHelpBubbleEnabled() (Deprecated) : returns whether the help bubble is enabled

isKeyboardLoaded() : returns whether the specified in-app or system keyboard is loaded

keyboardExists() : returns whether the specified keyboard exists in keyboards list

lexicalModelExists() : returns whether the specified lexical model exists in lexical models list

onConfigurationChanged() : performs necessary actions in an InputMethodService's onConfigurationChanged()

onDestroy() : performs necessary actions in an InputMethodService's onDestroy()

onPause() : performs necessary actions in an Activity's onPause()

onResume() : performs necessary actions in an Activity's onResume()

onStartInput() : performs necessary actions in an InputMethodService's onStartInput()

registerAssociatedLexicalModel() : registers a lexical model with the associated language ID

registerLexicalModel() : registers a lexical model to use with the LMLayer

removeKeyboard() : removes the keyboard at specified position from the keyboards list

removeKeyboardDownloadEventListener() : removes the specified listener from the list of keyboard download event listeners

removeKeyboardEventListener() : removes the specified listener from the list of keyboard event listeners

sendOptionsToKeyboard() : sends options like longpress delay to the KeymanWeb keyboard

setCanAddNewKeyboard() : sets whether adding a new keyboard is allowed

setCanRemoveKeyboard() : sets whether removing a keyboard is allowed, like in the keyboard picker menu

setDebugMode() : enables or disables debugging of Keyman Engine

setDefaultKeyboard() : sets the keyboard information for the fallback keyboard

setGlobeKeyAction() : sets an action type for the 'Globe' key

setHapticFeedback() : sets whether the device vibrates as the user types

setHelpBubbleEnabled() (deprecated) : enables or disables the help bubble

setHTMLBanner() : sets the contents of an HTML banner for Keyman Engine to display when suggestions aren't available

setKeyboard() : sets the keyboard to be used

setKeyboardPickerFont() : sets the font for the keyboard picker menu

setKeymanLicense() (Deprecated) : sets the developer license/key pair to unlock Keyman Engine

setLongpressDelay() : stores the longpress delay in milliseconds as a preference.

setMaySendCrashReport() : sets whether Keyman Engine can send crash reports over the network to

setShouldAllowSetKeyboard() : sets whether Keyman Engine allows setting a keyboard other than the default keyboard

setShouldCheckKeyboardUpdates() : sets whether Keyman Engine should check for keyboard updates

setSpacebarText() : sets the current text display pattern for the spacebar

shouldAllowSetKeyboard() : returns whether Keyman Engine allows setting a keyboard other than the default keyboard

shouldCheckKeyboardUpdates() : returns whether Keyman Engine should check for keyboard updates

showKeyboardPicker() : displays the keyboard picker menu

showLanguageList() (Deprecated) : displays the language list

switchToNextKeyboard() : loads the next available keyboard in keyboards list

updateSelectionRange() : updates the selection range of the current context

updateText() : updates the current context with the specified text