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Custom Editor Themes

Keyman Developer embeds the Monaco open source text editor. The highlighting and styles for the text editor are customisable with a JSON file configured in the Options dialog. The JSON file must be a valid Monaco theme (passed as second parameter to monaco.editor.defineTheme).


  "base": "vs-dark",
  "inherit": true,
  "rules": [
    { "token": "comment", "foreground": "ffa500", "background": "303030", "fontStyle": "italic underline" },
    { "token": "comment.js", "foreground": "008800", "fontStyle": "bold" },
    { "token": "comment.css", "foreground": "0000ff", "fontStyle": "bold", "inherit": false, "background": "808080" }

Keyman keyboard language tokens

The Keyman keyboard language highlighting uses the following token names:

Token Source Element
annotation System store names
comment Comments
identifier Store and Group names
invalid Invalid code
keyword Keywords such as begin, any
number Decimal character codes, deprecated, e.g. d65
number.hex Unicode character codes, e.g. U+1234
number.octal Character codes expressed in octal
operator +, > and other operators
string Strings
string.invalid Unterminated strings
string.quote ' and " characters
tag Virtual keys