Keyboard Support

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Events - Keyman Engine for Web

A number of events are exposed to allow the designer of a user interface to control the appearance and behavior of user interface elements. Standard event-processing requires all arguments to be passed as an array (object) with named member variables.

Two components of Keyman Engine for Web specify events:

  • keyman object -- the main component
  • keyman.osk object -- the on-screen keyboard component

Object events are handled in user code by passing the handler entry to the object, using addEventListener().

keyman events

beforekeyboardchange : Called when keyboard input language about to change.

controlblurred : Called when input element loses focus.

controlfocused : Called when input element receives focus.

keyboardchange : Called when keyboard input language changed.

keyboardloaded : Called when keyboard code loaded.

keyboardregistered : Called when keyboard 'stub' processed (for listing as available keyboard).

loaduserinterface : Called when allow ui initialization.

unloaduserinterface : Called when allow ui clean-up.

For example, to define a user function to handle the KeymanWeb keyboardchange event, include:


keyman.osk On Screen Keyboard events

configclick : Called when allows the UI to present KeymanWeb configuration options.

helpclick : Called when allows the UI to present a help page.

hide : Called when OSK hidden.

resizemove : Called when OSK resized or moved on desktop.

show : Called when OSK displayed.

For example, to add an event handler that modifies the user interface when the on-screen keyboard is displayed:

    ui.updateUI(p.x, p.y, p.userLocated);