Step 4: Filling in package details
Click on the Details tab in the Package Editor. You should fill in as many details as you can on this page.
- Package Name
The Package Name will be displayed in the package install dialog, and within Keyman Desktop Configuration, wherever the package is referred to.
- Readme File
Select the readme file from the list of files you added in the previous step. Remember that it should be a HTML file for optimum clarity.
- Version
A version number for the package is important - it helps the your users know that they are using the most recent update of your package. The version format you should use is
. When making a major change to your package or keyboards in your package, increment the first part and set the second part to, e.g.2.0
; when making a bug fix or a minor update, increment the second part, e.g.1.1
Version numbers should be in the form major.minor[.subversion]
Subversion is optional but is helpful for small bug fix releases.
Each of the sections of the version should be an integer. Keyman
Desktop does integer comparisons on the version numbers, so, for
example, version 2.01
is regarded as older than version 2.2
Alphabetic or date formats should be avoided as the installer for
the keyboard cannot determine which version is older reliably.
- Copyright
Enter copyright details for your package and keyboards. Keep this reasonably short or it won't be clear for end users.
- Author
Enter your name or the name of your company.
Enter a contact email address where package users can contact you. If you don't want to be contacted via email, leave this field empty
- Website
Enter the name of the website where you will have information about this keyboard. If you want to host it on, you could enter
- Image file
- Select the splash image file that you created in Step 2 from the list of files in your package.