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On-Screen Keyboard Module

The On-Screen Keyboard module is exposed to the developer as window.keyman.osk.

addEventListener Function : Adds an event listener for user-handling of On-Screen keyboard events.

getRect Function : Get absolute position and size of OSK window.

hide Function : Hide the OSK.

isEnabled Function : Return the user-defined OSK visibility as set by prior calls to show or hide.

isVisible Function : Return the actual visibility of the On-Screen Keyboard.

removeEventListener Function : Removes a user-defined event handler.

restorePosition Function : Move OSK back to default position, floating under active input element.

setPos Function : Set absolute position and size of desktop OSK window, limited to screen.

setRect Function : Set absolute position and size of desktop OSK window.

show Function : Display, hide or toggle OSK visibility.

userLocated Function : Determine whether or not the OSK has been moved from its default position by the user.

Class Names and Identifiers for On-Screen Keyboard and Other KeymanWeb Elements : The appearance of the KeymanWeb on-screen keyboard, menu amd other elements can be customized by a web designer by redefining (or adding to) the default styles.