Keyboard Support

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Class Names and Identifiers for On-Screen Keyboard and Other KeymanWeb Elements

The appearance of the KeymanWeb on-screen keyboard, menu amd other elements can be customized by a web designer by redefining (or adding to) the default styles. Styles and named elements all have the class name (or id) prefix kmw- joined to the object and item names, for example kmw-key-text, to set the basic style for the keycap text on each on-screen keyboard key. Multiple classes are applied to many objects, with top-level classes of tablet, phone and desktop used to set different element styles according to the device type. Unique elements, such as the menu and pop-up key frame, are named rather than referred to by class.

Most visual attributes such as text size and colour, background colour, shading, margins, etc. can be varied according to preference but developers should avoid changing positional attributes.

Class names applied to on-screen keyboard elements:

Class name Keyboard element
kmw-osk-frame Outer keyboard frame
kmw-osk-inner-frame Inner keyboard frame
kmw-key-layer-group Keyboard layers container element
kmw-key-layer Keyboard layer element
kmw-key-row Keyboard row container element
kmw-key-square Keyboard key container element
kmw-key-square-ex Pop-up key container element
kmw-key Key element
kmw-key-label Key label (desktop OSK and phonetic layouts)
kmw-key-text Keycap text
kmw-key-popup-icon Text or graphic to indicate that a keyboard key has associated popup keys
kmw-spacebar-caption Style applied to caption on spacebar

Class names applied to different types of keys:

Class name Key style
kmw-key-default Default
kmw-key-shift Shift key, layer-switching keys
kmw-key-shift-on Active shift key
kmw-key-deadkey Dead key
kmw-key-blank Blank, unmapped key
kmw-key-hidden Hidden spacer key
kmw-key-touched Active (touched) key

Element identifiers for keys:

Useful reference: Keys, Virtual Keys, and Virtual Character Keys

Each key element (kmw-key) has an ID based on the key code used for it within Keyman Developer. Each ID is based on two or three pieces:

  • The key's layer
  • The key's code
  • If it differs from the key's actual layer, the "modifier" setting for the key as set within the Touch Layout editor.

The format:

  • <display layer>-<key code>
  • <display layer>-<key code>+<modifier layer> (if different from <display layer>)

Some example IDs:

  • default-K_K - the K_K key on the default layer
  • currency-U_20B2 - the U_20B2 key (₲) on the currency layer
  • numeric-K_0+default - the K_0 key displayed on the numeric layer, using the same modifiers as the default layer.

For keys reached by longpress, the form of the ID is the same, just with one extra piece: it is prepended with popup-.

  • popup-default-U_1E0F - the U_1E0F subkey (ḏ) on the default layer
    • This is one of the subkeys of the 'd' key on the default layer on the EuroLatin (SIL) keyboard.

You can set styles for specific keys by using CSS selectors against specific key IDs.

The following selector will find the key element for all keys with the key code K_RBRKT of the keyboard's phone layout.

.phone div.kmw-key.kmw-key-default[id*='K_RBRKT']

Note the [id*='K_RBRKT'] part. There can be a few variations here:

  • *= - "contains"
  • ^= - "starts with"
  • $= - "ends with"

So, to match all keys reached by longpress, you could use:


Also, :not(...) can be used to invert a selector. The following selector will match all base keys, but not any longpress keys.


Element identifiers and class names for desktop on-screen keyboard elements:

Class name or id Desktop OSK element
kmw-title-bar OSK title bar
kmw-title-bar-caption OSK title bar caption (keyboard name)
kmw-title-bar-actions Container for image elements in OSK title bar
kmw-title-bar-image Active image element (button) in OSK title bar
kmw-footer Desktop OSK footer element
kmw-footer-caption Caption in desktop OSK footer
kmw-footer-resize Style for the footer's resizing icon
kmw-osk-static Container style for non-sizable keyboards
kmw-osk-none Empty keyboard container style
#kmw-pin-image Style of icon to return OSK to default position
#kmw-config-image Style of icon to open configuration options window
#kmw-help-image Style of icon to open keymanweb help window
#kmw-close-button Style of close button image

Element identifiers and class names applied to pop-up key container elements:

Class name Element
#kmw-popup-keys Pop-up key container
arrow-border Style setting callout arrow border
arrow-content Style setting callout arrow background

Element identifiers and class names applied to language menu elements:

Class name Menu element
#kmw-language-menu Language menu container element
#kmw-language-menu-background Hidden background layer preventing unwanted action while selecting a language or keyboard
#kmw-menu-scroll-container Container for language list scroller
#kmw-menu-scroller Langauge list scroller
#kmw-menu-index Container for language index
#kmw-menu-footer Placeholder at bottom of scroller
kbd-list Style for language-list element
kmw-list-open Style for list element when expanded
kmw-list-closed Style for list element when not expanded
kmw-list-entry Language entry in language list
kmw-single-entry Single keyboard entry in language list
current Active keyboard entry in language list
selected Touched entry in language list

Message box class names:

Class name Element
kmw-wait-box Message box
kmw-wait-background Message box background
kmw-wait-text Message box wait text
kmw-wait-graphic Message box wait icon
kmw-alert-text Message box alert text
kmw-alert-close Message box close icon

The default styles for KeymanWeb can be found online at

For the styles for specific released versions, they can also be found through, such as for version 17.0.326.