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keyInformation (KKI)


Returns an object with extended information about a specified keystroke event.




KeymanWeb.KKI(e); // Shorthand


e : Type: Object : The event object to be evaluated.

Return Value

Object : An object with extended key event information.


Note: This function will not succeed if it is called from outside of a keyboard's standard text-processing operations.

The key_event object contains the following members:

vk : boolean : A flag indicating whether or not the event corresponds to a virtual key.

code : number : The underlying keycode for the event.

modifiers : number : A set of bit-flags corresponding to the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT state of the keyboard.

The bit masks for each modifier are as follows:

  • SHIFT : 0x10

  • CTRL : 0x20

  • ALT : 0x40