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deadkeyOutput (KDO)


Deadkey output: Associates the deadkey state dk with the element at the current caret position, after overwriting nd characters.


keyman.interface.deadkeyOutput(nd, Pelem, dk);


KeymanWeb.KDO(nd, Pelem, dk); // Shorthand


nd : Type: number : The number of characters to overwrite (delete). May be set to -1 or 0 to prevent overwrites.

Pelem : Type: Element : The element receiving output.

dk : Type: number : The deadkey id.

Return Value



Deadkeys are useful for tracking hidden state information used to modify future keystrokes. For example, rather than using

"`" + "a" = "à"

to combine two visible characters, certain applications may desire to keep the "`" character hidden with a rule such as

+ '`' > dk(backquote)


dk(backquote) + "a" > "à"

The Developer compiler then generates a unique id for the deadkey state - say, 0, and upon detecting input of the '`' character with the keyman.interface.deadkeyMatch() function, compiles the deadkey generation to

keyman.interface.deadkeyOutput(0, Pelem, 0);

See also