Keyboard Support

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Create a copy of the OSK for embedding in documentation or help page.


keyman.BuildVisualKeyboard(keyboardID, staticFlag, layoutFormFactor, layerID)


keyboardID : Type: string : Identifying name of the keyboard.

staticFlag : Type: number : Deprecated parameter; should be set to 1.

layoutFormFactor : Type: string optional : A string describing the layout to use for the generated keyboard. Should be one of the following:

- `'desktop'`
- `'phone'`
- `'tablet'`

Defaults to `'desktop'`.

layerID : Type: string|number optional : Name or index of the layer to be shown. If not specified, defaults to 'default', the base layer.

Return Value

Element : A non-interactive DIV object will filled keyboard layer content.


Generates a non-interactive <div> element with the complete structure of the specified layer of an on-screen keyboard (OSK) that the user can then utilize for documentation or other purposes.