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Compiler Messages Reference for @keymanapp/kmc-ldml

Code Identifier Message
KM00001 HINT_NormalizationDisabled normalization=disabled is not recommended.
KM00002 ERROR_InvalidLocale Invalid BCP 47 locale form '<param>'
KM00003 ERROR_HardwareLayerHasTooManyRows 'hardware' layer has too many rows
KM00004 ERROR_RowOnHardwareLayerHasTooManyKeys Row #<param> on 'hardware' <param> layer for modifier none has too many keys
KM00005 ERROR_KeyNotFoundInKeyBag Key '<param>' in position #<param> on row #<param> of layer <param>, form '<param>' not found in key bag
KM00006 HINT_OneOrMoreRepeatedLocales After minimization, one or more locales is repeated and has been removed
KM00007 ERROR_InvalidFile The source file has an invalid structure: <param>
KM00008 HINT_LocaleIsNotMinimalAndClean Locale '<param>' is not minimal or correctly formatted and should be '<param>'
KM00009 ERROR_InvalidScanCode Form '<param>' has invalid/unknown scancodes '<param>'
KM0000A WARN_CustomForm Custom <form id="<param>"> element. Key layout may not be as expected.
KM0000B ERROR_GestureKeyNotFoundInKeyBag Key '<param>' not found in key bag, referenced from other '<param>' in <param>
KM0000D ERROR_InvalidVersion Version number '<param>' must be a semantic version format string.
KM0000E ERROR_MustBeAtLeastOneLayerElement The source file must contain at least one layer element.
KM00010 ERROR_DisplayIsRepeated display has more than one display entry.
KM00011 ERROR_KeyMissingToGapOrSwitch key id='<param>' must have either output=, gap=, or layerId=.
KM00012 ERROR_ExcessHardware layers formId=<param>: Can only have one non-'touch' element
KM00013 ERROR_InvalidHardware layers has invalid value formId=<param>
KM00014 ERROR_InvalidModifier layer has invalid modifiers='<param>' on layer id=<param>
KM00015 ERROR_MissingFlicks key id=<param> refers to missing flickId=<param>
KM00016 ERROR_DuplicateVariable duplicate variables: id=<param>
KM00018 ERROR_InvalidTransformsType Invalid transforms types: '<param>'
KM00019 ERROR_DuplicateTransformsType Duplicate transforms types: '<param>'
KM0001A ERROR_MixedTransformGroup transformGroup cannot contain both reorder and transform elements
KM0001B ERROR_EmptyTransformGroup transformGroup must have either reorder or transform elements
KM0001C ERROR_MissingStringVariable Reference to undefined string variable: ${<param>}
KM0001D ERROR_MissingSetVariable Reference to undefined set variable: $[<param>]
KM0001E ERROR_MissingUnicodeSetVariable Reference to undefined UnicodeSet variable: $[<param>]
KM0001F ERROR_NeedSpacesBetweenSetVariables Need spaces between set variables: <param>
KM00020 ERROR_CantReferenceSetFromUnicodeSet Illegal use of set variable from within UnicodeSet: $[<param>]
KM00021 ERROR_MissingMarkers Markers used for matching but not defined: <param>
KM00022 ERROR_DisplayNeedsToOrId display needs output= or keyId=, but not both
KM00023 HINT_PUACharacters File contains <param> PUA character(s), including Illegal (U+NAN)
KM00024 WARN_UnassignedCharacters File contains <param> unassigned character(s), including Illegal (U+NAN)
KM00025 ERROR_IllegalCharacters File contains <param> illegal character(s), including Illegal (U+NAN)
KM00026 HINT_CharClassImplicitDenorm File has character classes which span non-NFD character(s), including Illegal (U+NAN). These will not match any text.
KM00027 WARN_CharClassExplicitDenorm File has character classes which include non-NFD characters(s), including Illegal (U+NAN). These will not match any text.
KM00028 ERROR_UnparseableReorderSet Illegal UnicodeSet "<param>" in reorder "<param>
KM00030 ERROR_InvalidQuadEscape Invalid escape "\u0000". Hint: Use "\u{<param>}"
KM00F00 ERROR_UnparseableTransformFrom Invalid transform from="<param>": "<param>"
KM00F01 ERROR_IllegalTransformDollarsign Invalid transform from="<param>": Unescaped dollar-sign ($) is not valid transform syntax.
KM00F02 ERROR_TransformFromMatchesNothing Invalid transfom from="<param>": Matches an empty string.
KM00F03 ERROR_IllegalTransformPlus Invalid transform from="<param>": Unescaped plus (+) is not valid transform syntax.
KM00F04 ERROR_IllegalTransformAsterisk Invalid transform from="<param>": Unescaped asterisk (*) is not valid transform syntax.