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Compiler Messages Reference for @keymanapp/kmc-model

Code Identifier Message
KM03001 FATAL_UnexpectedException This is an internal error; the message will vary
KM03002 HINT_MixedNormalizationForms “<param>” is not in Unicode NFC. Automatically converting to NFC.
KM03003 HINT_DuplicateWordInSameFile duplicate word “<param>” found in same file; summing counts
KM03004 ERROR_UnimplementedModelFormat Unimplemented model format: <param>
KM03005 ERROR_UnknownModelFormat Unimplemented model format: <param>
KM03006 ERROR_NoDefaultExport Model source does have a default export. Did you remember to write `export default source;`?
KM03007 ERROR_SearchTermToKeyMustBeExplicitlySpecified searchTermToKey must be explicitly specified
KM03008 ERROR_UTF16BEUnsupported UTF-16BE is unsupported
KM03009 ERROR_UnknownWordBreaker Unknown word breaker: <param>
KM0300A ERROR_UnsupportedScriptOverride Unsupported script override: <param>
KM0300B ERROR_ModelFileNotFound Lexical model source file <param> was not found
KM0300C ERROR_WordlistFileNotFound Wordlist file <param> was not found