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Compiler Messages Reference for @keymanapp/kmc

Code Identifier Message
KM05001 FATAL_UnexpectedException This is an internal error; the message will vary
KM05002 INFO_BuildingFile Building <param>
KM05003 ERROR_FileDoesNotExist File <param> does not exist
KM05004 ERROR_FileTypeNotRecognized Unrecognised input file <param>, expecting <param>, or project folder
KM05005 ERROR_OutFileNotValidForProjects --out-file should not be specified for project builds
KM05006 INFO_FileBuiltSuccessfully <param> built successfully.
KM05007 INFO_FileNotBuiltSuccessfully <param> failed to build.
KM05008 ERROR_InvalidProjectFile Project file is not valid: <param>
KM05009 HINT_FilenameHasDifferingCase File on disk '<param>' does not match case of '<param>' in source file; this is an error on platforms with case-sensitive filesystems.
KM0500A ERROR_UnknownFileFormat Unknown file format <param>; only Markdown (.md), JSON (.json), and Text (.txt) are supported.
KM0500B INFO_ProjectBuiltSuccessfully Project <param> built successfully.
KM0500C INFO_ProjectNotBuiltSuccessfully Project <param> failed to build.
KM0500D INFO_TooManyMessages More than <param> warnings or errors received; suppressing further messages.
KM0500E ERROR_FileTypeNotFound A file of type <param> was not found in the project.
KM0500F ERROR_NotAProjectFile File <param> must have a .kpj extension to be treated as a project.
KM05010 INFO_WarningsHaveFailedBuild The build failed because option "treat warnings as errors" is enabled and there are one or more warnings.
KM05011 ERROR_CannotCreateFolder This is an internal error; the message will vary
KM05012 ERROR_InvalidProjectFolder The folder <param> does not appear to be a Keyman Developer project.
KM05013 ERROR_UnsupportedProjectVersion Project version <param> is not supported by this version of Keyman Developer.
KM05014 HINT_ProjectIsVersion10 The project file is an older version and can be upgraded to version 17.0
KM05015 ERROR_OutFileCanOnlyBeSpecifiedWithSingleInfile Parameter --out-file can only be used with a single input file.
KM05016 ERROR_InvalidMessageFormat Invalid parameter: --message <param> must match format '[KM]#####[:Disable|Info|Hint|Warn|Error]'
KM05017 ERROR_MessageNamespaceNotFound Invalid parameter: --message <param> does not have a recognized namespace
KM05018 ERROR_MessageCodeNotFound Invalid parameter: --message undefined is not a recognized code
KM05019 ERROR_MessageCannotBeCoerced Invalid parameter: --message <param> is not of type 'info', 'hint' or 'warn', and cannot be coerced
KM0501A ERROR_UnrecognizedMessageCode Invalid parameter: message identifier '<param>' must match format '[KM]#####'
KM0501B ERROR_MustSpecifyMessageCode Must specify at least one message code or -a for all messages
KM0501C ERROR_MessagesCannotBeFilteredForMarkdownFormat Messages cannot be filtered for markdown format
KM0501D ERROR_OutputPathMustBeSpecifiedForMarkdownFormat Output path must be specified with -o for markdown output format
KM0501E ERROR_OutputPathMustExistAndBeADirectory Output path <param> must exist and must be a folder