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Compiler Messages Reference for @keymanapp/kmc-kmn

Code Identifier Message
KM02001 INFO_EndOfFile (no error - reserved code)
KM02002 FATAL_BadCallParams CompileKeyboardFile was called with bad parameters
KM02004 FATAL_CannotAllocateMemory Out of memory
KM02005 ERROR_InfileNotExist Cannot find the input file
KM02007 FATAL_UnableToWriteFully Unable to write the file completely
KM02008 ERROR_CannotReadInfile Cannot read the input file
KM02009 FATAL_SomewhereIGotItWrong Internal error: contact Keyman
KM0200A ERROR_InvalidToken Invalid token found
KM0200B ERROR_InvalidBegin A "begin unicode" statement is required to compile a KeymanWeb keyboard
KM0200C ERROR_InvalidName Invalid 'name' command
KM0200D ERROR_InvalidVersion Invalid 'version' command
KM0200E ERROR_InvalidLanguageLine Invalid 'language' command
KM0200F ERROR_LayoutButNoLanguage Layout command found but no language command
KM02010 ERROR_InvalidLayoutLine Invalid 'layout' command
KM02011 ERROR_NoVersionLine No version line found for file
KM02012 ERROR_InvalidGroupLine Invalid 'group' command
KM02013 ERROR_InvalidStoreLine Invalid 'store' command
KM02014 ERROR_InvalidCodeInKeyPartOfRule Invalid command or code found in key part of rule
KM02015 ERROR_InvalidDeadkey Invalid 'deadkey' or 'dk' command
KM02016 ERROR_InvalidValue Invalid value in extended string
KM02017 ERROR_ZeroLengthString A string of zero characters was found
KM02018 ERROR_TooManyIndexToKeyRefs Too many index commands refering to key string
KM02019 ERROR_UnterminatedString Unterminated string in line
KM0201A ERROR_StringInVirtualKeySection extend string illegal in virtual key section
KM0201B ERROR_AnyInVirtualKeySection 'any' command is illegal in virtual key section
KM0201C ERROR_InvalidAny Invalid 'any' command
KM0201D ERROR_StoreDoesNotExist Store referenced does not exist
KM0201E ERROR_BeepInVirtualKeySection 'beep' command is illegal in virtual key section
KM0201F ERROR_IndexInVirtualKeySection 'index' command is illegal in virtual key section
KM02020 ERROR_InvalidIndex Invalid 'index' command
KM02021 ERROR_OutsInVirtualKeySection 'outs' command is illegal in virtual key section
KM02022 ERROR_InvalidOuts Invalid 'outs' command
KM02024 ERROR_ContextInVirtualKeySection 'context' command is illegal in virtual key section
KM02025 ERROR_InvalidUse Invalid 'use' command
KM02026 ERROR_GroupDoesNotExist Group does not exist
KM02027 ERROR_VirtualKeyNotAllowedHere Virtual key is not allowed here
KM02028 ERROR_InvalidSwitch Invalid 'switch' command
KM02029 ERROR_NoTokensFound No tokens found in line
KM0202A ERROR_InvalidLineContinuation Invalid line continuation
KM0202B ERROR_LineTooLong Line too long
KM0202C ERROR_InvalidCopyright Invalid 'copyright' command
KM0202D ERROR_CodeInvalidInThisSection This line is invalid in this section of the file
KM0202E ERROR_InvalidMessage Invalid 'message' command
KM0202F ERROR_InvalidLanguageName Invalid 'languagename' command
KM02030 ERROR_InvalidBitmapLine Invalid 'bitmaps' command
KM02031 ERROR_CannotReadBitmapFile Cannot open the bitmap or icon file for reading
KM02032 ERROR_IndexDoesNotPointToAny An index() in the output does not have a corresponding any() statement
KM02033 ERROR_ReservedCharacter A reserved character was found
KM02034 ERROR_InvalidCharacter A character was found that is outside the valid Unicode range (U+0000 - U+10FFFF)
KM02035 ERROR_InvalidCall The 'call' command is invalid
KM02036 ERROR_CallInVirtualKeySection 'call' command is illegal in virtual key section
KM02037 ERROR_CodeInvalidInKeyStore The command is invalid inside a store that is used in a key part of the rule
KM02038 ERROR_CannotLoadIncludeFile Cannot load the included file: it is either invalid or does not exist
KM02039 ERROR_60FeatureOnly_EthnologueCode EthnologueCode system store requires VERSION 6.0 or higher
KM0203A ERROR_60FeatureOnly_MnemonicLayout MnemonicLayout functionality requires VERSION 6.0 or higher
KM0203B ERROR_60FeatureOnly_OldCharPosMatching OldCharPosMatching system store requires VERSION 6.0 or higher
KM0203C ERROR_60FeatureOnly_NamedCodes Named character constants requires VERSION 6.0 or higher
KM0203D ERROR_60FeatureOnly_Contextn Context(n) requires VERSION 6.0 or higher
KM0203E ERROR_501FeatureOnly_Call Call() requires VERSION 5.01 or higher
KM0203F ERROR_InvalidNamedCode Invalid named code constant
KM02040 ERROR_InvalidSystemStore Invalid system store name found
KM02044 ERROR_60FeatureOnly_VirtualCharKey Virtual character keys require VERSION 6.0 or higher
KM02045 ERROR_VersionAlreadyIncluded Only one VERSION or store(version) line allowed in a source file.
KM02046 ERROR_70FeatureOnly This feature requires store(version) '7.0' or higher
KM02047 ERROR_80FeatureOnly This feature requires store(version) '8.0' or higher
KM02048 ERROR_InvalidInVirtualKeySection This statement is not valid in a virtual key section
KM02049 ERROR_InvalidIf The if() statement is not valid
KM0204A ERROR_InvalidReset The reset() statement is not valid
KM0204B ERROR_InvalidSet The set() statement is not valid
KM0204C ERROR_InvalidSave The save() statement is not valid
KM0204D ERROR_InvalidEthnologueCode Invalid ethnologuecode format
KM0204E FATAL_CannotCreateTempfile Cannot create temp file
KM0204F ERROR_90FeatureOnly_IfSystemStores if(store) requires store(version) '9.0' or higher
KM02050 ERROR_IfSystemStore_NotFound System store in if() not found
KM02051 ERROR_90FeatureOnly_SetSystemStores set(store) requires store(version) '9.0' or higher
KM02052 ERROR_SetSystemStore_NotFound System store in set() not found
KM02053 ERROR_90FeatureOnlyVirtualKeyDictionary Custom virtual key names require store(version) '9.0'
KM02054 ERROR_NotSupportedInKeymanWebContext Statement '<param>' is not currently supported in context for web and touch targets
KM02055 ERROR_NotSupportedInKeymanWebOutput Statement '<param>' is not currently supported in output for web and touch targets
KM02056 ERROR_NotSupportedInKeymanWebStore '<param>' is not currently supported in store '<param>' when used by any or index for web and touch targets
KM02057 ERROR_VirtualCharacterKeysNotSupportedInKeymanWeb Virtual character keys not currently supported in KeymanWeb
KM02058 ERROR_VirtualKeysNotValidForMnemonicLayouts Virtual keys are not valid for mnemonic layouts
KM02059 ERROR_InvalidTouchLayoutFile Touch layout file <param> is not valid
KM0205A ERROR_TouchLayoutInvalidIdentifier Key "<param>" on "<param>", layer "<param>" has an invalid identifier.
KM0205B ERROR_InvalidKeyCode Invalid key identifier "<param>"
KM0205C ERROR_90FeatureOnlyLayoutFile Touch layout file reference requires store(version) '9.0'or higher
KM0205D ERROR_90FeatureOnlyKeyboardVersion KeyboardVersion system store requires store(version) '9.0'or higher
KM0205E ERROR_KeyboardVersionFormatInvalid KeyboardVersion format is invalid, expecting dot-separated integers
KM0205F ERROR_ContextExHasInvalidOffset context() statement has offset out of range
KM02060 ERROR_90FeatureOnlyEmbedCSS Embedding CSS requires store(version) '9.0'or higher
KM02061 ERROR_90FeatureOnlyTargets TARGETS system store requires store(version) '9.0'or higher
KM02062 ERROR_ContextAndIndexInvalidInMatchNomatch context and index statements cannot be used in a match or nomatch statement
KM02063 ERROR_140FeatureOnlyContextAndNotAnyWeb For web and touch platforms, context() statement referring to notany() requires store(version) '14.0'or higher
KM02064 ERROR_ExpansionMustFollowCharacterOrVKey An expansion must follow a character or a virtual key
KM02065 ERROR_VKeyExpansionMustBeFollowedByVKey A virtual key expansion must be terminated by a virtual key
KM02066 ERROR_CharacterExpansionMustBeFollowedByCharacter A character expansion must be terminated by a character key
KM02067 ERROR_VKeyExpansionMustUseConsistentShift A virtual key expansion must use the same shift state for both terminators
KM02068 ERROR_ExpansionMustBePositive An expansion must have positive difference (i.e. A-Z, not Z-A)
KM02069 ERROR_CasedKeysMustContainOnlyVirtualKeys The &CasedKeys system store must contain only virtual keys or characters found on a US English keyboard
KM0206A ERROR_CasedKeysMustNotIncludeShiftStates The &CasedKeys system store must not include shift states
KM0206B ERROR_CasedKeysNotSupportedWithMnemonicLayout The &CasedKeys system store is not supported with mnemonic layouts
KM0206C ERROR_CannotUseReadWriteGroupFromReadonlyGroup Group used from a readonly group must also be readonly
KM0206D ERROR_StatementNotPermittedInReadonlyGroup Statement is not permitted in output of readonly group
KM0206E ERROR_OutputInReadonlyGroup Output is not permitted in a readonly group
KM0206F ERROR_NewContextGroupMustBeReadonly Group used in begin newContext must be readonly
KM02070 ERROR_PostKeystrokeGroupMustBeReadonly Group used in begin postKeystroke must be readonly
KM02071 ERROR_DuplicateGroup A group with this name has already been defined.
KM02072 ERROR_DuplicateStore A store with this name has already been defined.
KM02073 ERROR_RepeatedBegin Begin has already been set
KM02074 ERROR_VirtualKeyInContext Virtual keys are not permitted in context
KM02075 ERROR_OutsTooLong Store cannot be inserted with outs() as it makes the extended string too long
KM02076 ERROR_ExtendedStringTooLong Extended string is too long
KM02077 ERROR_VirtualKeyExpansionTooLong Virtual key expansion is too large
KM02078 ERROR_CharacterRangeTooLong Character range is too large and cannot be expanded
KM02080 WARN_TooManyWarnings Too many warnings or errors
KM02081 WARN_OldVersion The keyboard file is an old version
KM02082 WARN_BitmapNotUsed The 'bitmaps' statement is obsolete and only the first bitmap referred to will be used, you should use 'bitmap'.
KM02083 WARN_CustomLanguagesNotSupported Languages over 0x1FF, 0x1F are not supported correctly by Windows. You should use no LANGUAGE line instead.
KM02084 WARN_KeyBadLength There are too many characters in the keystroke part of the rule.
KM02085 WARN_IndexStoreShort The store referenced in index() is shorter than the store referenced in any()
KM02086 WARN_UnicodeInANSIGroup A Unicode character was found in an ANSI group
KM02087 WARN_ANSIInUnicodeGroup An ANSI character was found in a Unicode group
KM02088 WARN_UnicodeSurrogateUsed A Unicode surrogate character was found. You should use Unicode scalar values to represent values > U+FFFF
KM02089 WARN_ReservedCharacter A Unicode character was found that should not be used
KM0208A INFO_Info Information
KM0208B WARN_VirtualKeyWithMnemonicLayout Virtual key used instead of virtual character key with a mnemonic layout
KM0208C WARN_VirtualCharKeyWithPositionalLayout Virtual character key used with a positional layout instead of mnemonic layout
KM0208D WARN_StoreAlreadyUsedAsOptionOrCall Store already used as an option or in a call statement and should not be used as a normal store
KM0208E WARN_StoreAlreadyUsedAsStoreOrCall Store already used as a normal store or in a call statement and should not be used as an option
KM0208F WARN_StoreAlreadyUsedAsStoreOrOption Store already used as a normal store or as an option and should not be used in a call statement
KM02090 WARN_PunctuationInEthnologueCode Punctuation should not be used to separate Ethnologue codes; instead use spaces
KM02091 WARN_TouchLayoutMissingLayer Key "<param>" on platform "<param>", layer "<param>", references a missing layer "<param>"
KM02092 WARN_TouchLayoutCustomKeyNotDefined Key "<param>" on platform "<param>", layer "<param>", is a custom key but has no corresponding rule in the source.
KM02093 WARN_TouchLayoutMissingRequiredKeys Layer "<param>" on platform "<param>" is missing the required key(s) '<param>'.
KM02094 WARN_HelpFileMissing File <param> could not be loaded:
KM02095 WARN_EmbedJsFileMissing File <param> could not be loaded:
KM02098 WARN_ExtendedShiftFlagsNotSupportedInKeymanWeb Extended shift flags <param> are not supported in KeymanWeb
KM02099 WARN_TouchLayoutUnidentifiedKey A key on layer "<param>" has no identifier.
KM0209A HINT_UnreachableKeyCode The rule will never be matched for key <param> because its key code is never fired.
KM0209C WARN_PlatformNotInTargets The specified platform is not a target platform
KM0209D WARN_HeaderStatementIsDeprecated Header statements are deprecated; use instead the equivalent system store
KM0209E WARN_UseNotLastStatementInRule A rule with use() statements in the output should not have other content following the use() statements
KM0209F WARN_TouchLayoutFontShouldBeSameForAllPlatforms The touch layout font should be the same for all platforms.
KM020A2 WARN_KVKFileIsInSourceFormat .kvk file should be binary but is an XML file
KM020A3 WARN_DontMixChiralAndNonChiralModifiers This keyboard contains Ctrl,Alt and LCtrl,LAlt,RCtrl,RAlt sets of modifiers. Use only one or the other set for web target.
KM020A4 WARN_MixingLeftAndRightModifiers Left and right modifiers should not both be used in the same rule
KM020A5 WARN_LanguageHeadersDeprecatedInKeyman10 This language header has been deprecated in Keyman 10. Instead, add language metadata in the package file
KM020A6 HINT_NonUnicodeFile Keyman Developer has detected that the file has ANSI encoding. Consider converting this file to UTF-8
KM020A8 WARN_HotkeyHasInvalidModifier Hotkey has modifiers that are not supported. Use only SHIFT, CTRL and ALT
KM020A9 WARN_TouchLayoutSpecialLabelOnNormalKey Key "<param>" on platform "<param>", layer "<param>" does not have the key type "Special" or "Special (active)" but has the label "<param>". This feature is only supported in Keyman 14 or later
KM020AA WARN_OptionStoreNameInvalid The option store <param> should be named with characters in the range A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _ only.
KM020AB WARN_NulNotFirstStatementInContext nul must be the first statement in the context
KM020AC WARN_IfShouldBeAtStartOfContext if, platform and baselayout should be at start of context (after nul, if present)
KM020AD WARN_KeyShouldIncludeNCaps Other rules which reference this key include CAPS or NCAPS modifiers, so this rule must include NCAPS modifier to avoid inconsistent matches
KM020AE HINT_UnreachableRule This rule will never be matched as another rule takes precedence
KM020AF WARN_VirtualKeyInOutput Virtual keys are not supported in output
KM020C0 FATAL_BufferOverflow The compiler memory buffer overflowed
KM020C1 FATAL_Break Compiler interrupted by user
KM02900 FATAL_UnexpectedException This is an internal error; the message will vary
KM02901 FATAL_MissingWasmModule This is an internal error; the message will vary
KM02903 FATAL_CallbacksNotSet This is an internal error; the message will vary
KM02904 FATAL_UnicodeSetOutOfRange This is an internal error; the message will vary
KM02905 ERROR_UnicodeSetHasStrings uset contains strings, not allowed
KM02906 ERROR_UnicodeSetHasProperties uset contains properties, not allowed
KM02907 ERROR_UnicodeSetSyntaxError uset had a Syntax Error while parsing
KM02908 ERROR_InvalidKvksFile Error encountered parsing <param>: unknown error
KM02909 WARN_InvalidVkeyInKvksFile Invalid virtual key <param> found in <param>
KM0290A ERROR_InvalidDisplayMapFile Error encountered parsing display map <param>: unknown error
KM0290B ERROR_InvalidKvkFile Error encountered loading <param>: unknown error
KM0290C ERROR_FileNotFound File <param> was not found