KM04001 |
FATAL_UnexpectedException |
This is an internal error; the message will vary |
KM04002 |
WARN_AbsolutePath |
File <param> has an absolute path, which is not portable. |
KM04003 |
ERROR_FileDoesNotExist |
File '<param>' does not exist. |
KM04004 |
ERROR_FileCouldNotBeRead |
File '<param>' could not be read: unknown error. |
KM04005 |
WARN_FileIsNotABinaryKvkFile |
File '<param>' does not appear to be a valid binary .kvk file; this may be an old package that includes an xml-format .kvk file. You must update the package to include the compiled .kvk file in the package. |
KM04006 |
ERROR_FollowKeyboardVersionNotAllowedForModelPackages |
FollowKeyboardVersion is not allowed in model packages |
KM04007 |
ERROR_FollowKeyboardVersionButNoKeyboards |
FollowKeyboardVersion is set, but the package contains no keyboards |
KM04008 |
ERROR_KeyboardContentFileNotFound |
Keyboard '<param>' was listed in <Keyboards> but a corresponding .kmx file was not found in <Files> |
KM04009 |
ERROR_KeyboardFileNotValid |
Keyboard file '<param>' is not a valid .kmx file: unknown error |
KM0400A |
INFO_KeyboardFileHasNoKeyboardVersion |
Keyboard file '<param>' has no &KeyboardVersion store, using default '0.0' |
KM0400B |
ERROR_PackageCannotContainBothModelsAndKeyboards |
The package contains both lexical models and keyboards, which is not permitted. |
KM0400C |
HINT_PackageShouldNotRepeatLanguages |
Two language tags in <param> <param>, '<param>' and '<param>', reduce to the same minimal tag '<param>'. |
KM0400D |
WARN_PackageNameDoesNotFollowLexicalModelConventions |
The package file '<param>' does not follow the recommended model filename conventions. The name should be all lower case, include only alphanumeric characters and underscore (_), not start with a digit, and should have the structure <author>.<bcp47>.<uniq>.model.kps. |
KM0400E |
WARN_PackageNameDoesNotFollowKeyboardConventions |
The package file '<param>' does not follow the recommended keyboard filename conventions. The name should be all lower case, include only alphanumeric characters and underscore (_), and not start with a digit. |
KM0400F |
WARN_FileInPackageDoesNotFollowFilenameConventions |
The file '<param>' does not follow the recommended filename conventions. The extension should be all lower case, and the filename should include only alphanumeric characters, -, _, + and . |
KM04010 |
ERROR_PackageNameCannotBeBlank |
Package name cannot be an empty string. |
KM04011 |
ERROR_KeyboardFileNotFound |
Keyboard file '<param>' was not found. Has it been compiled? |
KM04012 |
WARN_KeyboardVersionsDoNotMatch |
Keyboard <param> version <param> does not match keyboard <param> version <param>. |
KM04014 |
ERROR_LanguageTagIsNotValid |
Language tag '<param>' in <param> <param> is invalid. |
KM04015 |
HINT_LanguageTagIsNotMinimal |
Language tag '<param>' in <param> <param> is not minimal, and should be '<param>'. |
KM04016 |
ERROR_ModelMustHaveAtLeastOneLanguage |
The lexical model <param> must have at least one language specified. |
KM04017 |
WARN_RedistFileShouldNotBeInPackage |
The Keyman system file '<param>' should not be compiled into the package. |
KM04018 |
WARN_DocFileDangerous |
Microsoft Word .doc or .docx files ('<param>') are not portable. You should instead use HTML or PDF format. |
KM04019 |
ERROR_PackageMustContainAModelOrAKeyboard |
Package must contain a lexical model or a keyboard. |
KM0401A |
WARN_JsKeyboardFileIsMissing |
Keyboard <param> targets touch devices but corresponding <param>.js file is not in the package. |
KM0401B |
WARN_KeyboardShouldHaveAtLeastOneLanguage |
The keyboard <param> should have at least one language specified. |
KM0401C |
HINT_JsKeyboardFileHasNoTouchTargets |
The keyboard <param> has been included for touch platforms, but does not include a touch layout. |
KM0401D |
HINT_PackageContainsSourceFile |
The source file '<param>' should not be included in the package; instead include the compiled result. |
KM0401F |
ERROR_FileRecordIsMissingName |
File record in the package with description 'undefined' is missing a filename. |
KM04020 |
ERROR_InvalidAuthorEmail |
Invalid author email: <param> |
KM04021 |
ERROR_PackageFileHasEmptyVersion |
Package version is not following keyboard version, but the package version field is blank. |
KM04022 |
ERROR_RequiredParameterMissing |
Source parameter '<param>' is required. |
KM04023 |
WARN_CannotFindMatchingKeyboardForVisualKeyboard |
Cannot find matching keyboard for visual keyboard file '<param>'. |
KM04024 |
WARN_CannotFindFontForKeyboard |
Cannot find font file '<param>' for keyboard '<param>'. |
KM04025 |
WARN_CannotReadFont |
Cannot parse font file '<param>' to get facename. |
KM04026 |
WARN_VisualKeyboardFileIsInvalid |
Visual keyboard file '<param>' is invalid. |
KM04027 |
WARN_PackageVersionIsUnrecognizedFormat |
Package version '<param>' has an unrecognized format. |
KM04028 |
ERROR_PackageMustNotContainItself |
The package may not include a .kmp file of the same name '<param>'. |