KM00001 |
HINT_NormalizationDisabled |
normalization=disabled is not recommended. |
KM00002 |
ERROR_InvalidLocale |
Invalid BCP 47 locale form '<param>' |
KM00003 |
ERROR_HardwareLayerHasTooManyRows |
'hardware' layer has too many rows |
KM00004 |
ERROR_RowOnHardwareLayerHasTooManyKeys |
Row #<param> on 'hardware' <param> layer for modifier none has too many keys |
KM00005 |
ERROR_KeyNotFoundInKeyBag |
Key '<param>' in position #<param> on row #<param> of layer <param>, form '<param>' not found in key bag |
KM00006 |
HINT_OneOrMoreRepeatedLocales |
After minimization, one or more locales is repeated and has been removed |
KM00007 |
ERROR_InvalidFile |
The source file has an invalid structure: <param> |
KM00008 |
HINT_LocaleIsNotMinimalAndClean |
Locale '<param>' is not minimal or correctly formatted and should be '<param>' |
KM00009 |
ERROR_InvalidScanCode |
Form '<param>' has invalid/unknown scancodes '<param>' |
KM0000A |
WARN_CustomForm |
Custom <form id="<param>"> element. Key layout may not be as expected. |
KM0000B |
ERROR_GestureKeyNotFoundInKeyBag |
Key '<param>' not found in key bag, referenced from other '<param>' in <param> |
KM0000C |
HINT_NoDisplayForMarker |
Key element with id "<param>" has only marker output, but there is no matching display element by output or keyId. Keycap may be blank. |
KM0000D |
ERROR_InvalidVersion |
Version number '<param>' must be a semantic version format string. |
KM0000E |
ERROR_MustBeAtLeastOneLayerElement |
The source file must contain at least one layer element. |
KM0000F |
HINT_NoDisplayForSwitch |
Key element with id "<param>" is a layer switch key, but there is no matching display element by keyId. Keycap may be blank. |
KM00010 |
ERROR_DisplayIsRepeated |
display has more than one display entry. |
KM00011 |
ERROR_KeyMissingToGapOrSwitch |
key id='<param>' must have either output=, gap=, or layerId=. |
KM00012 |
ERROR_ExcessHardware |
layers formId=<param>: Can only have one non-'touch' element |
KM00013 |
ERROR_InvalidHardware |
layers has invalid value formId=<param> |
KM00014 |
ERROR_InvalidModifier |
layer has invalid modifiers='<param>' |
KM00015 |
ERROR_MissingFlicks |
key id=<param> refers to missing flickId=<param> |
KM00016 |
ERROR_DuplicateVariable |
duplicate variables: id=<param> |
KM00018 |
ERROR_InvalidTransformsType |
Invalid transforms types: '<param>' |
KM00019 |
ERROR_DuplicateTransformsType |
Duplicate transforms types: '<param>' |
KM0001A |
ERROR_MixedTransformGroup |
transformGroup cannot contain both reorder and transform elements |
KM0001B |
ERROR_EmptyTransformGroup |
transformGroup must have either reorder or transform elements |
KM0001C |
ERROR_MissingStringVariable |
Reference to undefined string variable: ${<param>} |
KM0001D |
ERROR_MissingSetVariable |
Reference to undefined set variable: $[<param>] |
KM0001E |
ERROR_MissingUnicodeSetVariable |
Reference to undefined UnicodeSet variable: $[<param>] |
KM0001F |
ERROR_NeedSpacesBetweenSetVariables |
Need spaces between set variables: <param> |
KM00020 |
ERROR_CantReferenceSetFromUnicodeSet |
Illegal use of set variable from within UnicodeSet: $[<param>] |
KM00021 |
ERROR_MissingMarkers |
Markers used for matching but not defined: <param> |
KM00022 |
ERROR_DisplayNeedsToOrId |
display needs output= or keyId=, but not both |
KM00023 |
HINT_PUACharacters |
File contains <param> PUA character(s), including Illegal (U+NAN) |
KM00024 |
WARN_UnassignedCharacters |
File contains <param> unassigned character(s), including Illegal (U+NAN) |
KM00025 |
ERROR_IllegalCharacters |
File contains <param> illegal character(s), including Illegal (U+NAN) |
KM00026 |
HINT_CharClassImplicitDenorm |
File has character classes which span non-NFD character(s), including Illegal (U+NAN). These will not match any text. |
KM00027 |
WARN_CharClassExplicitDenorm |
File has character classes which include non-NFD characters(s), including Illegal (U+NAN). These will not match any text. |
KM00028 |
ERROR_UnparseableReorderSet |
Illegal UnicodeSet "<param>" in reorder "<param> |
KM00029 |
ERROR_InvalidVariableIdentifier |
Invalid variable identifier "<param>". Identifiers must be between 1 and 32 characters, and can use A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _. |
KM0002A |
ERROR_InvalidMarkerIdentifier |
Invalid marker identifier "m{<param>}". Identifiers must be between 1 and 32 characters, and can use A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _. |
KM0002B |
WARN_StringDenorm |
File contains string "<param>" that is neither NFC nor NFD. |
KM00030 |
ERROR_InvalidQuadEscape |
Invalid escape "\u0000". Hint: Use "\u{<param>}" |
KM00F00 |
ERROR_UnparseableTransformFrom |
Invalid transform from="<param>": "<param>" |
KM00F01 |
ERROR_IllegalTransformDollarsign |
Invalid transform from="<param>": Unescaped dollar-sign ($) is not valid transform syntax. |
KM00F02 |
ERROR_TransformFromMatchesNothing |
Invalid transfom from="<param>": Matches an empty string. |
KM00F03 |
ERROR_IllegalTransformPlus |
Invalid transform from="<param>": Unescaped plus (+) is not valid transform syntax. |
KM00F04 |
ERROR_IllegalTransformAsterisk |
Invalid transform from="<param>": Unescaped asterisk (*) is not valid transform syntax. |
KM00F05 |
ERROR_IllegalTransformToUset |
Invalid transform to="<param>": Set variable (\$[…]) cannot be used in 'to=' unless part of a map. |
KM00F06 |
ERROR_UnparseableTransformTo |
Invalid transform to="<param>": "<param>" |